Chapter 3: A kingdom in need

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Earth, Shell City

Amber's  and Merry's house

"What... is going on ?"

It took Mephisto a while before realizing how grave the situation was. When trying to summon his magic in his hand, only flickers of green appeared before disappearing almost instantaneously. Recalling the events that had led him there, he could not understand why it was happening. Unless... Unless Iris' attack had affected in multiple ways. Was it because she was the heir to Ephedia's throne? Or because she was using the Queen's crown to attack at the time, perhaps? She still wasn't in full controls or her powers. It wouldn't surprise him if her attack had side effects even Iris was unaware of.

But not being able to use it right this instant was stressing him out. He had the reassurance it wasn't completely gone... But how the hell was he supposed to know where Praxina was or what the hell was going on if he couldn't teleport ?! It really seemed like luck had decided to leave his side. As he was processing the fact that he'd be stuck here for a while, he heard footsteps getting louder.

"I'm ba- Woa, buddy you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost or something?
- I am perfectly fine...
- Yeah, sure pal. Say the cosplayer who passed out in the middle of a forest...
- I- the what?"

Mephisto turned his eyes to the girl. Amber, was it?

"Well... I'm not sure, I don't remember seeing a cartoon character with that costume recently... Is it an old one? Or just a recent one I haven't seen yet, maybe?
- ... What?

- Anyway- "

She handed him a glass of water.

" You did sleep for a while, so you must be dehydrated...

- ... Thank you.
- It's not poisoned, she added with a cheeky smile.
- I-I wouldn't expect the person who saved me to do that-"

Amber didn't have the time to add anything, as she heard Merry who was close behind her. Mephisto saw the blond girl behind and who was making a bunch of weird gestures with her hands, so fast he couldn't follow.

"Nah, I'll take care of it, don't worry. Hm? If it's necessary, I'll just stay home and pretend to be sick. I have an opportunity to miss school.
- Who are you talking to..."

The brunette turned around with a bit of a "well, duh" expression. Had he never seen a mute person before?

"That's my friend Merry. She's mute and cannot talk but can hear us. If you need anything and she's around, tell her and she'll answer you by writing it down. "

Merry smile and waved her hand to say hello before going back to what she was doing.

"You've never seen someone use sign language before?
- ... No? "

It's not as if people couldn't be born mute on Ephedia or anything

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It's not as if people couldn't be born mute on Ephedia or anything. But they had their own communication devices, these kinds of "thought readers" that could speak in someone's place. Magic wasn't just a weapon they used, it was present everywhere.

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