Chapter 6: The truth is out

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Earth, Shell City

Amber's and Merry's house

Really slowly, Amber bent down to pick up her phone-- which was luckily still intact. Her eyes never left Mephisto and she straightened up. She didn't look scared... More like confused.

The glow in Mephisto's hand disappeared, but it was too late. He gulped and prepared himself.

"... So... What was that? Spoiler alert: Excuses like "it was just your imagination" or "it's a trick of the light" aren't going to work. I know what I just saw... I-I haven't gone crazy yet. " Amber said.

- ..."

Well, that was it for his only plan of escape. He didn't have enough magic to teleport, so he was stuck here and unless he explained everything, she wouldn't trust him anymore. Furthermore, he needed to take into account that she had saved his life and that she was willing to help him without anything in return. Giving her the truth was, honestly, his only option.

"Okay... Could we go inside? You might... want to sit down for a bit..."

Amber raised an eyebrow but nodded slowly before going back inside. Mephisto followed right behind her. She sat down at the table, phone still in hand and was scrapping the top of her phone case, nervously. Finally, she let out a sigh and looked up at Mephisto who was standing in front of her, behind the table.

" You're not from Sunny Bay, are you?

- ... So... You didn't believe what I said...

- Not a single word of it. I just played along 'cause I thought pointing out your lie on the spot would create more problems... If you were from Sunny Bay, you wouldn't have looked so lost. You looked more like someone trying to hide something than a person with genuine amnesia.

- So you allowed me to stay... knowing I was lying to you? Do you realize how- insane you sound? Mephisto said, raising his voice a bit.

- In other circumstances, I'd say you're making a reasonable point. But last time I checked, I'm not the one in need of explanations, right now. " Amber responded, her tongue sharp.

He let out a grunt, displeased, because she was ALSO right.

- How could you tell I was lying? I won't say I'm a master of trickery but people don't usually see through me this easily. Do you know someone with amnesia? "

She didn't answer for a few seconds, but she spoke again in a sad tone.

"No. I have it myself. "

Mephisto's eyes opened in shock. He didn't know what to say... So for now, he remained silent and let her continue.

"I don't think I've told you yet because I don't share this with a lot of people but... My first memories date from when I was six years old. I can't remember anything before that. I don't even know the day I was born. It sounds kinda cliché but... I was left on the doorstep of a random house. The people there couldn't take me in, so I was taken into foster care at a very young age. I'll spare you the details because I don't want to talk about it right now. I've tried remembering what happened to me, but so far... I have nothing. Every time I meet someone, and we start talking about childhood stuff, I have to do my best to avoid the conversation or just make up random things. I don't tell people I'm an orphan because every time I do-- People give me an awkward look like I'm some kind of pitiful creature and I'm tired of it. Especially when I've turned out to be fine. That's basically it. So, to make it simple... I'm the real deal. I could tell you were lying from miles away. "

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