Author's Notes - Engagement

725 36 14

Hello everyone,

No this is not a chapter but I am writing in a new chapter to elaborate on what I said at the end of the previous chapter. If you had not noticed, I added an Update.

As I said, I'm halfway done writing the next chapter but I won't be posting it until I have 20 votes and comments on chapter 7.

It may seem a little bit immature. I don't think I'll be doing it for all chapters but listen to me for two seconds. This isn't the first time that I say that either.

Stories take time, dedication and effort to write. Especially if you're writing some kind of sequel. You need to constantly refer to the original material, make research, brainstorm sessions to get new ideas to expand the lore, make sure that your story is coherent and that there's no plot holes... etc.

It's difficult. And yet, when I finally post, I barely get engagement. More than 80 people have read the last chapter and I've got only 13 votes/14 comments. It's really sad that people will eagerly consume content, but won't leave anything to the creator of said content. Especially when leaving a vote takes barely a second and leaving a comment a few seconds at best. If you care about authors and what they create, let them know, please don't stay passive. Because it's really discouraging. After all, If people don't let me know what they thought of the chapter, I'll assume they didn't like it. And if most people don't like, what's the point in me continuing to write?

This was bit of a venting note but I hope you understand. I don't want to sound greedy. And to those who actually take the time to vote and comment, thank you so so much. If it wasn't for you all, I would've stopped writing this book already.

See you guys in the next chapter, if it ever comes.

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