💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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A/N: I just don't see Bakugo as abusive, nor do I condone abuse, so I switched the request up a bit.

Requested By: Todo_Is_Bai

Drabble: "Don't touch me!"

The One Where Katsuki Accidentally Hurts His Girlfriend And Must Face The Repercussions.


From the moment that Katsuki Bakugo had unlocked the door to his apartment, you had known he was in a bad mood. While usually, Katsuki tried to leave all the moods and feelings he gathered up in the day at work and tried to return home in a happy mood of good report, sometimes it didn't work out like that.

That would be Katsuki's greatest misfortune and downfall.

It had been a shit day. Katsuki had failed to save a citizen and he couldn't get their face out of his head. Lately, Katsuki had been noticing the citizens he couldn't save rather than the ones he did save. To top that off he had missed lunch due to said emergency in the city, and all the articles he had been seeing pop up whenever he opened his phone weren't helping his mood.

It was your day off, you were allowed to go out and enjoy yourself. You were allowed to hang out with friends that weren't Katsuki, yet knowing you were out with his rival ex-friend all day, and seeing the articles claiming you were cheating on pro-hero DynaMight with pro-hero Deku left an unsavory feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Katsuki knew you'd never cheat, even still, jealousy was a nasty thing.

Katsuki walked into the apartment and slammed the door behind him, a telltale sign that he was in a bad mood. You momentarily paused your rummaging through the fridge for food to look up at him. He walked right past you to the bedroom, no hi, no hello, no kiss on the cheek. Another telltale sign he was pissed off.

You debated going after him to find out why he was so pressed but ultimately decided against it, Katsuki was such a hothead, it was better to let him cool down before you approached him. Your thoughts were futile once Katsuki came out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind himself once again.

"What's for dinner?"

His voice came out gruffly and you tried not to take his tone to heart. Katsuki wasn't one to talk about what he was feeling, it was better to leave it alone until he was ready to talk to you. You knew how rough his work was and how stressful it could be on him, mentally and physically.

"I just got home not too long ago so I haven't had a chance to make anything yet, is there something special you want me to make?"

"Christ, what? Were you out with Deku all day?"

Again, you tried not to take his words to heart, but he made it really hard. You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms, resisting the urge to scowl at him. You didn't know if jealousy or something else was behind his bad mood, but it wasn't fair to take it out on you. It felt like lately Katsuki had been coming home madder more and more lately. You'd begun to feel a little hopeless and stuck, never knowing when you were going to start an argument.

He hadn't meant to make you feel such a way. All his emotions could just be so overwhelming.

"Today was my day off. I'm allowed to be out with my friends."

Katsuki scowled at you and clenched his fists at his sides. You ran your fingers through your hair, stressfully pulling at some of the unintentionally knotted strands. This was going to end in a fight. You knew it would. These days it always did.

"I'm not an ass, I'm not saying you can't be out and about, but maybe text me saying you're gonna be with that dumbass all fucking day. I could've picked up dinner or something."

Katsuki pulled a drawer open from the counter, one that held numerous takeout menus and coupons. He scrambled around for one before pulling it out and slamming the drawer shut.

"I don't know what you want me to say, I'm sorry I was out all day, I'm sorry I didn't make dinner. Fighting isn't going to change that, can we just order something?"

"I'm just saying it's really inconsiderate. If your gonna be out with a man and not tell me, leaving me to hear it from the tabloids saying you're being a cheating whore, I'd like to hear it from you."

He hadn't meant it like you were cheating, he meant it as in that was what the media was making you out to be. Katsuki was just incredibly hungry and tired, resulting in him feeling irritable and angry, that paired with all the negative feelings he had built up that day weren't good. He hadn't meant to take it out on you but he was. His words hand incited an argument, one bigger than the ones you'd ever had before, and soon you and Katsuki were screaming words at each other.

Amongst the argument, Katsuki had done something he'd vowed never to do. He let his anger get the best of him and accidentally released one of his explosions on you. With the quick blowing sound, you were soon on the floor, budding tears building on your eyes as you held your arm to your body. It looked like you had taken minimal damage, still, the action brought Katsuki to his knees in worry as he tried to grab your body.

"Fuck! [Y/N], I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to- Are you okay!?"

As if his touch had burned you, you pulled your body out of Katsuki's grasp and pushed yourself away from him. The explosion was close to your ear and you couldn't hear what he was saying very well but you could read hIs lips. You pushed yourself further away from him while you let the tears cascade down in pain.

"Don't... Don't touch me! Don't touch me, don't talk to me. Leave me alone."

Your screams at him are enough to make him stay. He stays frozen in his own shame and regret. As your pulling at your phone and dialing his former friend's number he stays frozen and unmoving. As your shouting in the phone at Deku, unable to hear his voice, Katsuki makes a move to go to you, but your scared expression at him made him stop, it made him back away even.

He had taken his anger out on you. He vowed never to do that to a civilian let alone his girlfriend, and now he'd wrecked your relationship. This was something he could never take back or fix, all he could do was sit back as his former friend swooped in and took you to the hospital. All he could do was sit back and watch as Deku picked up the pieces of a relationship he had broken.


Edited: 2-24-2021

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