❄ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Head Canon: Yandere!Shouto Todoroki

The One Where It's Just General Yandere Head Canons.


❄ Shouto is a soft yandere.

🔥 Sure he kidnapped you.

❄ Sure he ripped you away from your family and friends.

🔥 But he'd never cause you physical harm.

❄ No, he spent a fraction of his life seeing the way his dad treated his mom. Just because he's a bit deranged? That doesn't mean he's harmful.

🔥 When Shouto meets you it's completely by accident. You were just a civilian, he was a hero. Basic interaction, hero saves girl.

❄ Then you were attacked again, and he saved you again.

🔥 By now he's absolutely certain it's fate pushing you together.

❄ So he becomes infatuated with you, his little darling.

🔥 He starts to 'accidentally' bump into you places, and you being the unsuspecting civilian, saved by your hero twice, was not going to question it.

❄ You begin to see him enough that he asks you out to coffee. It's innocent enough, why reject the man that saved your life twice?

🔥 Once you get to know each other, see each other more, exchange numbers, he begins to isolate you.

❄ When he asks you to stop hanging out with your friends, you will.

🔥 He's your hero, the hero that's saved you twice. If he thinks your friends are bad, then they just are, right?

❄ Now that your friends are gone, all Shouto has to worry about is your family and coworkers.

🔥 He feels no guilt kidnapping you and anonymously hiring a group of criminals to make it look like a crime.

❄ No one even looks for you once you're gone.

🔥 For a few months maybe, but you had previously been attacked by villains, so everyone you know assumes you were attacked again and died.

❄ When you wake up to discover Shouto kidnapped you, you're furious.

🔥 You'll refuse to talk to him, refuse to even look at him.

❄ While this infuriated Shouto, he was willing to give you time to warm up to him.

🔥 As stated earlier, he doesn't wish to do you harm.

❄ He might verbally get mean. Say things to hurt you and belittle you to make you question and reason why you shouldn't just give into Shouto's whims. He's the only one who'll ever love you right?

🔥 He'll never lose his temper with you so callously.

❄ The only time Shouto hits you is if you try to escape, which you will try before Stockholm kicks in.

🔥 Even then, he's rather gentle.

❄ The most he'll do is smack your bum till it's purple and blue.

🔥 Although if he catches you escaping on a bad day the punishment will be much worse.

❄ He will try to give your body aftercare and take care of your wounds once he cools down.

🔥 If he does lose his temper like that he'll profusely apologize, and try to make it up to you by letting you out supervised.

❄ Shouto understands that you'll get sad and lonely locked up, he just doesn't care.

🔥 He spent his primary years isolated, he knows it sucks, but it's the only way to ensure his little darling is safe and sound tucked away from the cruel world.

❄ It's not all bad, it's not like Shouto will keep you in bad conditions

🔥 The home you're locked up in has air conditioning.

❄ Sometimes Shouto will turn it down to very low degrees and lock it so you'll be forced to seek him out and ask him to warm you up.

🔥 It has lots of big TVs and every streaming platform you could think of.

❄ Every movie, TV show, and video game on demand. (All ready to be consumed so long as you give into Shouto's demands.)

🔥 Shouto will bring you home books, and treats, anything your heart desires.

❄ Shouto wants to spoil his precious darling, give you everything your heart desires so long as your a good girl for your lover.

🔥 He hates getting physical with you, and tries his best not to lose his temper, but if your a bad girl then he's going to punish his little darling until you know who you belong to.

❄ Sex with Shouto isn't bad either.

🔥 He won't force you into it, but rather wait for you to try to initiate something.

❄ He's a firm believer of making love not fucking, so when you do initiate it he's not super rough. (Unless he's had a rough day, then he'll need his little darling to take him without complaint.)

🔥 He wants to make love to you in every corner, nook, and cranny of your new home so long as you mostly agree.

❄ Give affection to Shouto, show him a little love, and he'll become putty in your hands.

🔥 Ask for anything and he'll give it to you, even a pet if it's what you desire.

❄ All Shouto asks in return is that you be the little housewife he's trying to shape you into.

🔥 Really, he's not asking for a lot.

❄ Greet him at the door, have dinner made, and make love to him, or at the very least, give him some affection.

🔥 He'll take care of everything else.

❄ All you have to do is live in the little bubble life he's created for you and give him some kids.


Edited: 6-21-2021

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