🐙 Tamaki Amajiki 🐙

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A/N: Kinda deviated a bit from the request, but I felt inspired.

Requested By: DragonLover015

Drabble: "I'm sorry."

The One With With Abduction.


Mirio Togata watched as you paced around your dorm room in front of him. The worry and anticipation, eating away at your heart. The desperation and anxiety, chipping away at your soul. It broke his heart to watch you break away at the seams like this.

"[Y/N], calm down."

"Calm down? Tamaki was kidnapped! He's gone! He's gone and you want me to calm down? My boyfriend was kidnapped and you want me to calm down?"

You stopped your pacing to stare at Mirio, your best friend. The glare in your eye was dangerous and horrific. Inside your beautiful orbs, he could see the hurt, the fear, and the sadness. It pained Mirio to look in your eyes.

"He's supposed to be your fucking friend! Are you heartless? You should be worried! Don't you even care about him?"

Your voice cracked as you yelled at him, and a piece of his soul cracked with it. Yes he was worried, yes he cared, but he didn't want to worry you and put you through such anguish.

"I am worried, but pacing back and forth for hours as you have isn't going to help him, or your mental health."

With a distraught face, Mirio grabbed your hand and pulled you down onto the bed next to him. The tears started to dribble down your cheeks as you realized the harsh words you'd spoken to your best friend. Here he was comforting you, and you were so rude.

Mirio pulls you against him and you collapse with your head in his neck. The tears kept falling and they don't stop. Days of pent up emotions were breaking loose. The thoughts and tears you let in from the moment he was taken to now.

To Mirio, you in his arms was a priceless moment he wanted to revel in forever. To you, being in his arms was just him comforting you as a friend.

"I'm sorry for calling you heartless."

You didn't mean it.

"It was really mean."

You could kick me and I'd still love you.

"I know you didn't mean it."

"I just hate sitting around not being able to do anything. The villains have him, and I can't even rescue him."

Mirio's hands run up and down your back in a comforting motion. It did little to soothe your thoughts, but it quelled your tears and sobs.

"The pros are gonna do their job, they'll bring him back."

The door to your dorm room burst open and Nejire came flying in. Energetic and bubbly like always, she speaks life into Mirios words.

"He's back! He's back! Tamaki's back, [Y/N]!"

You jumped out of Mirios arms and wiped the tears off your eyes with the back of your hand before you ran out of the door. Mirio walked out into the hall to follow you, but you hadn't gone far as Tamaki had already been eagerly making his way to your dorm.

As you wrapped your arms around Tamaki the smile on your face was undeniable. As you clung to your boyfriend the previous sadness in your eyes was replaced with relief and joy.

"Tamaki! I thought– I thought I was never gonna see you again."

"I'll always come back to you, always. I- I love you."

It was a painful reminder to Mirio. He was your best friend. He was your best friend and that's all he'd be. He would never be the reason you smiled like that. He would never be the reason you had euphoria in your eyes. He would never be the guy you anxiously worried over. He would never be Tamaki.


Edited: 6-3-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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