"momma, 'm hungrrry"

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After a few weeks of getting to know Toby and a little bit more about Schlatt, Quackity felt as though he did a damn good job for having such a 'don't-do-that-leave-me-alone' childhood. The events in this chapter take place a month into his babysitting job.

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Alex had just gotten into the house when he set his car keys down on the kitchen counter and looked around for a moment.
"Holy fuck. This place is a fucking wreck." He stated.
Next thing Alex knew, there was a kid sitting on his hip as he thought about what he was going to do to clean this house at least a little bit.
"Mmmh, what arr yoo dooooing?" Tubbo looked up at him, a curious look on his face.
"Oh, nothin', baby. I'm just wondering how the heck this house got so dirty."
He looked at the child resting on his hip and raised an eyebrow, smiling softly.
"I di'nt do it! I prom-"
Alex paused.
"I-I-..I pro-"
Silence for 5 minutes.
Until finally, the angel in his arms began to sob.

Faint sniffles could be heard as the weeping continued.

Alex thought his heart might shatter.

"I-I w'nna be normmal!"

Alex felt it.

His heart began aching as he cradled the brunette baby in his arms softly, humming the sweet melody of  'Beautiful Boy' as the weeping came to a slow stop.

"Let's go clean, baby. We can play some music and dance, that outta make you feel better."

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Alex was upstairs in Schlatts' room, vacuuming and slightly swaying to the sound of music playing from his phone. The brunette baby boy sitting on the bed was kicking his feet in a bored manner, humming and watching Alex closely.
"What're you doin' baby?" Alex chuckled out as he looked over at Toby to notice him staring.
"Momma, 'm hungryyyy!'

"Oh, let's go make you some food, angel."
Alex picked Toby up and walked downstairs, into the kitchen. He set him down on the island and rummaged through the fridge.
"What're you wanting to eat?"
Alex bent down to look through the drawers lining the bottom of the fridge.
He stood up straight and looked at the boy, shifting his weight to his left foot and resting a hand on the counter.
"I wan' grill'd cheese!"
Alex nodded and picked Toby up, setting him on the ground just for him to flop down and stare as Alex worked.

He began grabbing the pan, the bread, the cheese Toby liked, and last, mayo.
"Eww i don' like the white stuf, momma!"
Alex smiled.
"But when my mom made me grilled cheese, she always used mayo instead of butter. It makes it taste better, baby." ( true fact, btw )
Alex saw as Tubbo's face went from disgust to "oh, ok".

He began lighting the stove and spreading mayo on the bread, soon after placing the bread on the burning hot pan. He flinched as the heat hit his finger like a brick.

"Fuckin' shit!"

He whisper-yelled, in the back of his mind he heard a faint 'language!' and laughed to himself as he continued making the food.

Tubbo was sat eating on the floor, staring blankly at the TV as Alex searched the movie "Moulin Rouge" on prime video.
"What's tha'? 't looks boooring."

Alex gasped. Literally gasped.
"You've never seen Moulin Rouge?"
He had a fake sad taint to his voice.
"Noo, i haven' momma."

Alex pulled out his phone and dialed a number into his phone. He walked into the kitchen as he spoke into his phone, slightly loud with a hint of urgency in his voice.
In a matter of minutes, George, Nick, and Dream were stood at the door. You could tell Dream was dragged along just by the unamused look in his eyes. Alex quickly answered the door and let the new guests get comfy, as well as letting everyone say 'hi!' to Toby.

As soon as they sat down, Alex picked Tubbo up and sat him on his lap, lightly bouncing his leg to keep the younger happy. George grabbed Dream and pulled him closer to him as Sapnap turned the movie on.

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George, Sapnap and Quackity were crying, ( as they should. ) when the scene where Harold told Satine she was dying played out. George's grip on Dream tightening lightly. Dream looked at his teary eyed boyfriend and chuckled light heartedly.

Tubbo looked at the crying boys, lastly Alex and tugged his hoodie string. Alex looked down at the child sitting in his lap, "Yea, baby?" he said softly.
"Mmh why cryy'ng, momma?"
Sapnap looked over and smiled, "Momma?"

Alex didn't dare look over, knowing how crimson his face probably was. George and Dream too busy snuggling and sobbing together to care what was happening.

The movie began to play the scene where Satine dies. George had a raging headache from all the crying he'd been doing. Dream had George laying on him, his head on Dreams lap and his legs tangled together. He smiled at the sight and laughed at the fact his boyfriend had been sobbing over a movie. Though he'd be lying if it didn't make his heart ache slightly, the movie.

The movie ended and Toby was ready to eat again. Dream insisted on ordering Chinese for dinner and not a second later, Schlatt walks through the front door. George looked at Schlatt and smiled, "Hey there, JJ." Dream wheezed and Sapnap and Alex joined in.
"George, I swear, you have to stop with the name calling, or your middle school nickname is coming back."
George stopped laughing and looked at him, his eyes screaming "please, no."

"Daddy! Loook i made ffff-"
Alexs' heart stopped as he looked Toby in the eyes, worry in his eyes as he recalled what happened earlier that morning.
Schlatt seemed to notice this.


Alex smiled ear to ear and hugged the boy tightly. Tubbo just giggled and hugged back. Sapnap took a photo, being the blackmailer of the friend group, of course.


Mk, Helloooo love bugs 🧡
If you haven't watched 'Moulin Rouge'. We can't be friends. Warning if you have the healthy need to watch it after reading this story, it's got a few 'Mature' scenes and words. In this story, Tubbo is a good boy and knows not to repeat what he hears.
I will be referencing my favorite movies in this book. A. Lot.

Remember to eat, stay hydrated, and get enough god damn sleep, you amazing motherfuckers. 🧡🔥🔥

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