Jonathan's Backstory. (contains angst</3)

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(3rd Person Pov)

When Jonathan was a young man, he fell in love with a woman. A beautiful, kind-hearted, loving woman. Well, at least in his opinion she was all those things. His friends didn't like her, said she was a player and he was looking for love in all the wrong places. Him, being the love-obsessed, hopeless romantic he was back in college, ignored his friends' warnings. She played with his heart, teasing and flirting her way into his lonely mind.

One fateful night, she gave into his cravings. They had one night together, which they both enjoyed. He awoke the next morning to an empty bed, a note on the nightstand and a pain in his heart. The note read, "Thank you for the fun, but it can never happen again. xx" He felt betrayed. He had done so much for her. What did he do wrong?

The next week at school, she seemed pissed. Not at her boyfriend, Tyler, who cheated on her with her best friend. Not at her history teacher who gave her an F even after she fucked him last week. But at.. Jonathan? She stormed up to him, red in the face. "Who the fuck do you think you are? I told you to wear a condom!" She fumed, eyes watering in an angry manner. "I-I wore a condom! I swear!" Her features softened into something embarrassed. "Are-are you..?" He whispered. "I've had sex with plenty of guys. How the fuck did you get me pregnant when they never did? I'm- i'm so confused and scared and I-I.. My mom is gonna kick me out, Jonathan!" She ranted, tears falling from her ocean blue eyes. Jonathan felt this was all his fault. If he hadn't had sex with her, she wouldn't be carrying his child and she wouldn't be getting kicked out of her house and-. A sudden rush of pain shot through his face. Did she..slap him? "It's all your fault! I don't want kids! I never wanted this! Fuck you- fuck you...fuck you!" She was sobbing and punching his chest. His eyes began to water, his heart hurt again. He never meant for this to happen, he wished she would understand that.

He waited for her to stop crying. "If you have the baby, I'll take care of it. You don't have to pay me, you don't have to be anywhere near me or the baby. Just..please. Please don't get rid of it." He whispered to her, a desperate tone to his voice. She stayed silent for a few minutes. He noticed she was shaking slightly. "O-ok. I'll have the baby. But you can never come near me again. You or the child." She explained in a scratchy tone. "Of course, whatever you want." He agreed. "I'm gonna need your number and address. So if anything happens I can get in contact with you." She pulled out her phone and opened the notes app. "R-right, of course." He took the phone and put his information in. "Stay the fuck away from me and Tyler." She grabbed her phone from his hands and walked away. He had a hard time paying attention in class that day.

-time skip-

She had been texting him all week, asking if he could buy her food she had been craving and such. Of course, he said yes to everything. He bought her a heating pad, all the snacks she could ever ask for, blankets, comfy clothes that she could wear during her pregnancy, etc. She had been kicked out like she said she would be. She was staying with her boyfriend, Tyler. He didn't give a shit about her pregnancy, which was why Jonathan had been working his ass off. When she said to "stay the fuck away from me and Tyler," she didn't know that she'd be taking that back less than a month later. Jonathan had stayed multiple nights at their house, making her food when she was hungry, taking her for late-night drives when she needed fresh air. He did everything for her and this baby. On the day of the child birth, she had begged Tyler to be there for her. He had agreed to it, too. But when she was going into labor, he fell off the face of the earth. No phone calls, no texts. So Jonathan tried his hardest to be there for her, he held her hand during contractions, he made sure she knew everything would be okay in seemingly hopeless moments.

"Jonathan..I-I can't push anymore! Please, it hurts.. it hurts so much!" She turned to face him, tears streaming down her face. "You can do this, I promise you can. You just gotta push, c'mon. One big push." He wiped her forehead with a cloth, "Take a big breath, and push as hard as you can, baby." She took a breath, and pushed. "Alright, one more time for me. C'mon, you got this." He held her hand. She took another big breath, and pushed, screaming in pain. Suddenly, they both heard crying. Jonathan let go of her hand, turning to see the doctor holding a baby. "It's a boy." The doctor smiled. "Oh my god!" She gasped for air, smiling weakly. The doctor handed her the baby. "Hello, my love.." She cooed to the wailing child. Suddenly, the doctor called the nurses over in a hurry, one of them grabbing the baby from her arms.

"I-I don't feel good..Jonathan.." She turned to him with cloudy eyes.

"She's bleeding out! Nurses- get him out of here!"

Before Jonathan knew what was going on, he was thrown out of the hospital room. "wait- please tell me she's gonna be ok. Is the baby ok? Ma'am I-I need to know, please-" He panicked, the nurse looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I'm so sorry, sir." Just then, she shut the door, then closing the blinds to the window.

Jonathan heard frantic shouting from the doctors and nurses- and...the sound of crying. He fell to the floor with tears flooding down his face.
"No. Nonononono- please! I love her! She can't- she can't die! I need her! The baby- he needs his mother!" Jonathan screamed, tears streaming down his face.

The other people in the waiting room felt for him, worried and knowing faces came to comfort him. "I'm so sorry for your loss, son." A woman said as she sat next to him, holding his hand. "I need her..please, god, I need her, I-I can't do this on my own!" He wailed. After hours of tears and screaming, the nurses opened the door. Jonathan stood to his feet, wobbly.
"I-is she ok? Please tell me she's ok." He stared into the nurse's eyes.

"She-..she didn't make it, sir. I'm terribly sorry for your loss." The nurse whispered.

Jonathan felt like he couldn't breath. But he had already cried so much that he physically couldn't anymore. After a little while of silence, Jonathan decided he needed to see the baby. The only thing he had left of her. "Can I see my son..?" His voice had gone raspy from all the yelling and crying he had done for the last 4 hours. "Well- Yes, of course. Right this way, sir." The nurse walked him to the baby nursery.

"Where is he?" Jonathan looked at all the beautiful newborn babies.

"I believe that's him right there," the nurse pointed to a lady holding a baby, bottle feeding it. "Can I- can I hold him? Or-or is that not allowed?"
The nurse laughed softly, mumbling to give her a moment. She walked into the nursing station, and he watched as she said something to the other nurse, grabbed the baby from her and walked back to the door. 

She handed him the baby, and the second he got a good look at this gorgeous baby boy in his arms, he knew. He knew that this baby would be his everything.

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