flower fields pt.2

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Jonathan sat in front of a giant magnolia tree, reading his book.

 "Jonathan, c'mon! We found some frogs near the pond!" Alex shouted, making him look up. He laughed to himself, closing his book and standing. "Alright, alright! Give me a second!" Jonathan shouted back as he brushed the flower petals off of his shoulders, smirking as Alex rolled his eyes and jogged back to the pond. He began walking towards them, dozing off as he took in the beautiful surroundings. Schlatt dozed off so far that he nearly walked straight into the pond. Thankfully he caught himself before nearly killing quite a few tadpoles. 

             "D'ddy! W-watch where y-you g'ing!" Toby shouted, cradling at least 5 frogs in his arms. Jonathan smiled at his son, saying a quiet sorry and laughing it off. 

"Yea Jonathan, watch where you're going." Alex stuck his tongue out at the taller man. He frowned, pretending to be hurt. "Toby, momma's being mean to me." Jonathan made fake crying noises. "M'mmy! Be n-nice t' d'ddy," Toby pointed a finger at Alex. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry." Jonathan had been staring at Alex for quite some time, Alex looking up and catching him in the act. Toby had been talking to the frogs and flowers. But that was just background noise at this point. Jonathan couldn't help but wonder if this is what love really felt like. He never felt like this with his ex-wife. All he could do was smile as the butterflies in his stomach began to flutter their wings. 

              "Jonathan, do you wanna go pick flowers with me and Tubbo?" Alex smiled sweetly, "F-flowers!" Toby beamed. "Y-yea we can go look at the flowers." Jonathan stood up, nearly falling into the pond (again). They all laughed together, walking to go find flowers. It felt perfect. They felt like a real happy family. It made Jonathan smile, nearly cry even. He hadn't felt like this ever. It was incredible, he never wanted the feeling to leave. "D-d'ddy look! ffffffflowers," Toby ran towards the Dendrobium's a few feet away. Alex's smile softened, "He's such a great kid." 

Jonathan turned to look at the other man. "He loves you.", Jonathan lifted a hand up to Alex's face. He began to cry. "Don't cry, my dear," Jonathan wiped a tear from Alex's face. They sat in a loving, comfortable silence for a minute or two. 

"I-I think I love you." Alex looked into the taller mans eyes. 

Jonathan felt it again, the butterflies. 

"I think- I think I love you too." Alex started crying heavily; happy tears, of course. The two men sat together, in a flower field, with so much love for each other and this beautiful child, it was nearly overwhelming. 


hello again

no excuse for the fact that this took 2+ months to write


i love you <3

if you guys want some lore on Jonathan and his backstory with his wife, I could probably crank out an angst chapter. 

cya later lol 

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