Chapter One: Hard Times Ahead.

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You love each other,
you do,
and here's the tragedy:
it's not enough.


"Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands."

-Linda Hogan


It all came down to one thing: 

Mel had to leave her old life behind.

It'd been nine days since she got home, her mother said she'd arranged everything so they could leave on Friday. She decided to delay her packing once more, and instead, she kneeled and pulled out a box from under the bed. Mel hesitated before opening it, this was the box where she'd kept most of her memories from the last six years and she didn't know if she was ready to go through them.

Someone knocked on her door, Harry's face peered through and he walked in, her brother was holding onto the boy's hand. "D'you need help?"

"Why don't we go outside for a moment?" She stood up, still holding the box in her hands tightly. "I'm a bit overwhelmed..."

Harry nodded silently, looking around the room one last time. 

"I've been here before," He mumbled thoughtfully, "Not much has changed... but I feel as if this is the first time I see your room."

Mel looked around, she felt it too. Humans did that with things often, they would take them for granted until they had to let go, only then they cared. Only then she realized how much she'd loved this house.

The girl guided them outside, her mother was in the drawing-room writing a letter to Remus and Tonks, who would take her and Reggie for as long as they had to, hiding them away while Mel was on her mission.

The little boy quickly let go of her friend's hand and ran towards the small swing, Mel and Harry stood there and watched.

"What's in the box?"

She looked down and shrugged. "This is where I put my pictures after I take them, some other stuff too— haven't seen 'em in years."

"You want to look?"

"I could use some happy memories while we're away," She sighed. "I asked my mum to take the rest with her, but maybe I should go through them first, see if there's anything I might want to throw away..."

Mel sat next to the old swing, the boy taking the place beside her. She opened the box: The pictures at the top had been taken during the last Gryffindor party she'd attended, and they were the first kick on the face of the evening. Most of them had Erick and she hadn't heard from him in days, she had the feeling she would never hear from him again.

After those, she found photos from her fifteenth birthday: Her mother, Remus and Sirius were laughing...

"I can't do it," She pushed the box away and blinked back the tears. "I'm not ready."

"For what?" 

"To let go," She shook her head. "I know I should've done it by now but... I can't— I can't accept that I won't be a kid anymore..."

"We haven't been kids for a long time, Mel," He replied calmly. "Look at this..."

He grabbed a picture laying at the very bottom: Ron had taken that picture, they were in the leaky cauldron and she could see the twins in the background, Hermione's hand was on the right corner trying to seize a newspaper. They must've been thirteen years old.

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