Chapter Thirty-Seven: Until The Very End.

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Exams were cancelled, naturally.

Funerals and reunions were the only things happening in their lives at the moment. Mel and Harry were shaking hands everywhere they went, Ron and Hermione were treated with as much reverence as the Chosen One.

When the castle was fully restored, Remus gave them the marvellous news that he'd be going back to Hogwarts as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor McGonagall was the new Headmistress, which meant there was a vacant for Transfiguration.

"You should apply for the job," Ron told her.

The Hall was still pretty much packed with people, but her hopes had turned into a reality: the houses were now merely a way to organize the students into rooms and to keep the friendly competition going in Quidditch and the House cup. However, everyone seemed to understand there was no point in judging someone for the colour of their tie. It'd always been rather stupid.

"I already have a job," She replied casually. "I'm Head Auror."

Ron choked on his pumpkin juice, Hermione had to pat his back harshly for him to recover.

"You said yes!" He said, utterly elated. "That's brilliant! Means you can hire me right away, then? I'm your strategist after all!"

Mel grinned. "You still want to be an Auror, then?"

"Of course!"

"Well, let's see," She tilted her head and eyed him up. "Good at duelling, a decent Legilimens and Occlumens... you'll need a new wand though, one that truly belongs to you and only you."

"I heard Ollivander's opening his store as soon as he feels strong enough," Ron replied excitedly. "In the meantime, I can work with the one I have, right?"

"You need to be better at disguising yourself and at Potion making, though- Hermione can't help you forever!"

"That's true," He sighed. "Perhaps I should come back for my seventh year..."

"Well, if you do, I promise I'll leave a vacant open once you're ready to join us," Mel smiled.

"Us?" Ron raised a brow.

"Oh yeah, I'm going in," Harry shrugged. "At least until we catch the missing Death Eaters, then I think I'll take a break... yeah, I don't feel like fighting loads after this year."

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Harry," Hermione hummed pleasantly. "I decided I'll go look for my parents as soon as July starts, won't take me long, maybe a few weeks."

"You'll miss my birthday, though," Mel frowned. "It's not every day I turn eighteen!"

"And considering your life so far, it's almost a miracle you're going to," Ron snorted.

"True," Mel nodded, taking a bite of her turkey sandwich.


"I just realized something," Harry yawned as they made their way upstairs.


"I'll have to live in Grimmauld place for a while," He grimaced. "I've got no other place to go."

"Don't be stupid, you can come live with me!" Ron slapped the back of Harry's head. "We've got plenty of room! The twins are planning to go back to their flat on Diagon Alley- and Percy lives on his own now, he'll probably go and have dinner with us on Sundays, but there are still two rooms available for you!"

"Would your parents agree?"

"Would my..." Ron rolled his eyes. "Dunno, Harry, would my parents agree to live with the saviour of the wizarding world?" He slapped the back of his head again. "Prat."

Written In The Stars VII -[Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now