Chapter Thirty-Four: The Chosen Ones.

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"He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anybody who continues to resist, man, woman, or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together." 

Every single one of her friends walked up to her at that moment, demanding an explanation. She raised her hands to quiet them down, Mel was feeling extremely dizzy. Harry was dead, he was dead and it was her turn to push the fight onward. 

"H-He had to," She replied, her voice hadn't sounded this shy in years. "It was the only way!"

A new wave of loud voices cut her speech, Erick stopped them. 

"Hang on!" He pushed his way forward, eyes focused on her. "You're awfully calm about this and I don't think it's the shock... how long have you two been planning this?"

Mel didn't reply. She was just like Dumbledore in the end, hiding things from the people she loved all for the greater good. The strange thing was, she couldn't feel ashamed about it in the slightest. It was the right thing to do, she was sure of it.

"For how long?" He insisted.

"Last December."

"December!" Ron moved forward, he was livid. "He's been planning to die since then? Why on earth would he—"

"He's one of them," She interrupted.

"What?" Several people questioned. 

Mel kept her eyes on Ron and she repeated, very slowly: "He's one of them, Ron. When Voldemort tried to kill him the first time, he made him one."

Ron's hand went up to his face and covered his mouth, he turned around and walked away, shaking his head a little. Hermione was crying, she'd also understood. The rest were still looking at her in confusion, angry. How could Harry be dead?

"The fight isn't over," Mel pushed her shoulders back and with a newfound determination, she turned around to face the people in the room. "You've all been brave. I will not force you to stay and fight, but if you do, I assure you there'll be no more deaths."

"You can't promise that!" A battered Ravenclaw yelled at her. "Many people died already—"

"And I wish I could've done more to stop it," Mel looked back at Colin's body, she drew out her wand. "I will do more. You have five minutes to leave the castle, that's all I can give you."

She didn't look back to make sure her friends were following her, she didn't care. All that was in her mind was the snake, and how she needed to find a basilisk fang soon— she could also try and disarm Voldemort, but that would be far harder, considering he was surrounded by a bunch of Death Eaters who would surely try and murder her now that Harry was out of the way. 

Half a minute passed before the first people started to appear: Ron, Hermione, Erick, her mother, Remus and Tonks... they kept appearing and she felt strong, taller than she'd ever felt in ages. 

"I'm sorry about Lucas," She told Erick without looking away from the forest. "He was a remarkable man."

"He won't be forgotten," Her friend replied. "I'll make sure of that."

Dark figures started to come out of the woods, Mel's stomach tightened when she spotted Hagrid in the middle of them, he was crying, and in his arms, she managed to recognize Harry's mop of messy hair.

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