Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Cup.

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Harry approached her the evening before their Gringotts heist, he sat next to her and placed an envelope on her lap.

"What's this?" She asked. 

"It's... it's kind of like a will."


Harry looked down at it and nodded shortly, rubbing the side of his face. "Yeah."

Her fingers brushed against the paper. "What do you want me to do with it?"

"I want to hear what you think about it."

Mel knew it was a waste of time to act like he was exaggerating, she nodded and pushed the folded piece of parchment towards him. 

"I'm listening."

Harry looked at his writing and read it quickly.

"I want to leave what's inside my Gringotts vault to Teddy, I feel like that's the right thing to do."


"My broom and all the stuff you think it could be of use for him..." He skimmed through the paper and nodded. "The Marauders map and my cloak— that's for Reg and Teddy, you can decide who gets what."

"Alright," She hesitated for a moment, then asked, "what do I do with the stone?"

Harry looked up at her. "I don't know. Keep it if you want... or you can throw it away..."

"You don't want me to use it to talk to you?" She asked with a gloomy smile.

"I— I don't... no," He decided.

"My dad said you'd tell me that," Mel chuckled. "It's weird how well he knew you... like they can truly watch us from above or wherever they are..."

"Right," Harry folded the paper, he stared at it for a moment. "I hope you don't mind that I didn't leave anything for you."

"Glasses, I won't be missing any of your stuff," She sighed. "Just you."

He observed her weirdly. "Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Tell me."

"Never marry?" Harry spoke in a weak voice. "I would die happy if I know you won't ever have another partner."

She laughed. "I could become a nun?"

"You would have to marry God," He made a face. "No, I was thinking... you could live like your Grandad? You could work at his bar and be bitter and miserable forever."

"Is that your final wish?"


"Alright," She pretended to think about it. "I think it'll be easy to achieve. There's no one on earth who would put up with my loony self the way you do."

Harry let out a teary laugh, he grew utterly quiet, then added in a whisper:

"You know," He propped his head on one hand, he looked tired. "Sometimes I really believe you'll never want anyone else... but that's stupid. Mel Dumbledore isn't destined for that kind of life. She's beautiful, smart, and I think she deserves a good ending."

"Mel is done guessing her fate, if she's honest," The girl replied, rubbing her forehead. "You know, I think we're being remarkably mature, you and I. Writing wills, leaving our plan safely hidden under Dobby's watchful eye..."

"I think so too."

"But we're just pretending, aren't we?" She mimicked his pose on the couch, resting her chin on one hand and maintaining eye contact. "Because— And pardon my language— I'm really fucking pissed about it."

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