Chapter Five: Planning Ahead.

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Everyone knew that they had a chance to get some information from Ron and Hermione because they had families to look after, they weren't orphaned. No one tried to question Mel. 

They were all aware that she and Harry would be impossible to convince to stay, Mel wondered what her mother meant when she'd said she would help, it was obvious she hadn't mentioned Harry's plans to anyone else in the Order; had she tried to look for information on her own? Was that the reason she'd been killed?

She kept thinking about Erick even if she pretended not to remember him at all, how he'd assured her he would not die for someone else's cause. It was the main reason why she held onto the idea that perhaps he'd been kidnapped and tricked somehow. However, she couldn't see how Voldemort knew he was no longer on her side, only her closest friends knew! 

There were only two plausible options: Either the word had spread and the Death Eaters got him while he was trying to hide, given that he had lots of information on Mel and Harry, or he'd gone on his own account, certain that he was joining the winning side.


The Burrow, although packed with people, had never felt as quiet as then. Without her brother's giggles and cries echoing across the house and her mother's booming laughter coming from the drawing-room, nothing was exciting anymore. Mel kept her mind busy with wedding preparations and Horcrux research, she had no time nor use for nostalgia.

"I have it from here, Mel, thanks," Bill looked up at the half-done tent. "Go find Harry."

"But..." She looked up at him with a quizzical look, Bill stared back with a meaningful gaze. Mrs Weasley was keeping an eye on the quartet at all times, they weren't allowed to be left alone in the same room for too long. "Alright."

She sneaked her way up to the attic praying for Harry to be there, and there he was, sitting across from Hermione and Ron, who had one arm around her shoulders while the girl cleaned her tears with a dirty handkerchief.

"Oh, brilliant," Mel observed. "Have I missed you guys getting together?"

Hermione gave a start and dropped the Monster Book of Monsters on Ron's leg, he jumped to his feet and Harry quickly reached out to seize the volume.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Hermione gasped, covering her mouth in horror.

"What are you doing with all those books anyway?" Ron fell on his bed with a grunt, all of them decided to ignore Mel's question.

"Just trying to decide which ones to take with us. When we're looking for the Horcruxes." 

"Oh, of course," Ron hit his forehead lightly. "I forgot we'll be hunting down Voldemort in a mobile library."

"Ha ha— I wonder... will we need to translate runes? It's possible... I think we'd better take it, to be safe."

"Better safe than sorry," Mel agreed. "Ron, stand up a moment, I'm about to teach you something that'll blow your mind."

Her friend hesitated, but he stood up anyway. Mel flicked her wand and his bed made itself instantly, with a few more vague wand movements, Ron's bedroom was completely organized and clean.

"It's called magic," She said. "Next time your mother asks you to go clean your room, why don't you try and use it instead of whining like a baby?"

"Sod off," The boy threw a pillow at her that she quickly caught with one hand. "One good thing about our search is that I won't have to clean up any rooms for a while."

"You lazy twat," Ron showed her his middle finger and she kindly returned the gesture.

"Listen," Harry intervened, he sat up straighter on his bed. "I know you said after Dumbledore's funeral that you wanted to come with us..."

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