Chapter Seven: The Wedding.

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Mel and Hermione went to Ron's bedroom while everyone else was sleeping, they needed to talk about Dumbledore's will.

"D'you think he knew the Ministry would confiscate his will and examine everything he'd left us?" asked Harry.

"Definitely. He couldn't tell us in the will why he was leaving us these things, but that still doesn't explain..."

"...why he couldn't have given us a hint when he was alive?" Ron said.

"Well, exactly. If these things are important enough to pass on right under the nose of the Ministry, you'd think he'd have let us know why... unless he thought it was obvious?" 

"Thought wrong, then, didn't he? I always said he was mental. Brilliant and everything, but cracked. Leaving Harry an old Snitch— what the hell was that about?"

"I've no idea. When Scrimgeour made you take it, Harry, I was so sure that something was going to happen!" 

Mel and Harry shared a look, they had talked about it during the party, Harry had the same idea she'd had the moment he saw the small object.

"Yeah, well," He lifted his snitch at eye level. "I wasn't going to try too hard in front of Scrimgeour, was I?"

"What do you mean?" 

"The Snitch I caught in my first ever Quidditch match?" said Harry. "Don't you remember?"

Ron gasped loudly, Mel was glad Hermione had used the muffliato spell on the room. 

"That was the one you nearly swallowed!"


Harry pressed it against his lips, after a second of nothingness he lowered it looking rather disappointed, but it was Hermione's turn to gasp.

"Writing! There's writing on it, quick, look!" 

I open at the close. 

"I open at the close... at the close... I open at the close..."

"No idea," Mel groaned. 

"And the sword," Ron added. "Why did he want Harry to have the sword?"

"And why couldn't he just have told me? I was there, it was right there on the wall of his office during all our talks last year! If he wanted me to have it, why didn't he just give it to me then? 

"Oh, I thought that one was obvious," Mel said, everyone stared at her in surprise.

"Well, if you know something spit it out!"

"Hermione and Scrimgeour said it! The sword came to Harry in a moment of need— My uncle didn't write it down in his will so others would give it to us, he knew that would never happen. He wrote it down to point us in its direction!"

When they continued to stare at her blankly, she sighed.

"You killed the Basilisk with that sword, Glasses. Which means is strong enough to..."

"To destroy Horcruxes!" Hermione gasped. 

"Then we need to get that sword now!" Ron exclaimed. 

"There's no need," Mel retorted. "The sword appears to a loyal Gryffindor when they're in need no matter where they are, as long as you ask for it. If it did that once for Harry, I'm sure it'll do it again. If not, well, perhaps that's the reason why he told me to look after Fawkes— He was the one who brought the sword last time, remember?"

"You're brilliant, Mel," Harry reached out and squeezed her hand lovingly. "I hope you're right."

"And as for this book," Hermione lowered her gaze. "The Tales of Beedle the Bard... I've never even heard of them."

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