Chapter Thirteen: Back In The Ministry.

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Ron walked into the room really early in the morning. 

"You look terrible," He told them.

"Not for long," Harry yawned, stretching next to her.

"You have twenty minutes," Ron said, turning around and closing the door behind him.

Mel watched Harry get dressed, when he finished he observed her carefully.


"Anxious," She responded. "We're doing something though... that's good."

"One of us may not return, we could fail."

"I thought I was the pessimist?"

"I'm just making sure you know, in case—"

"It's not time for goodbyes," Mel pushed her long hair out of the way. "With me, you'll never be unsafe, it's a promise."

"You shouldn't promise things like that," He frowned.

"We've done far riskier promises to each other."

"Does your safety matter less than mine?"

"I never said that," She sat up on the bed. "I know how to take care of both, even if you don't believe it. We're all going to be fine."

"...You know what's crazy? I believe you."

Mel looked at him for a few seconds, then stood up and gave him a short kiss as she walked past him. He watched her leave, thinking he would give anything to wake up next to her every morning for the rest of his life.


They found Hermione and Ron in the kitchen, both having breakfast and reviewing the plan.

"Robes... Polyjuice potion... Invisibility Cloak... Decoy Detonators... You should each take a couple just in case... Puking Pastilles, Nosebleed Nougat, Extendable Ears..."

"Are we stealing a locket or promoting Weasley Wizard Wheezes?" Mel frowned.

"We are stealing a locket," Ron raised a brow. "You're staying under the cloak as our backup."

"Yeah, yeah I know," She groaned. 


Kreacher handed them their cloaks and polished wands, promising a nice and warm steak-and-kidney pie for lunch. Mel kneeled before him while the others continued to grab their things.

"We may not return early," She paused. "We may not return at all. If that happens, or if someone else apart from us enters the house, I want you to hide all traces of our stay here, and I want you to hide somewhere else, alright?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"If the Death Eaters find you and they try to question you, I want you to fight back and vanish. Don't try to find us— you run— keep Regulus's locket safe, okay?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Very well," Mel stood up and fixed her cloak. "Take care, Kreacher."

"Bless him," said Ron, looking over his shoulder at the small creature as he disappeared back inside the kitchen, "and when you think I used to fantasize about cutting off his head and sticking it on the wall..."

"We can reminiscence later," Mel told him. "Time to go."

Hermione and Ron were the first to disapparate, then Mel and Harry stood there, hand in hand, and Mel took him away.

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