Chapter 2

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Hope nodded violently before dragging the blonde vampire towards the kitchen.

"So what go you all riled up this morning?" Cami asked while taking out the ingredients and handing them to the tribrid.

"I guess I just had a bit of a bad dream but I'm fine," Hope smiled and began adding the new ingredients to the mixing bowl. Cami stole a glance at the young teenager, she frowned a little bit knowing that the young Mikaelson had already gone through so much.

Hope sensed the uneasy tension in the kitchen so she decided to try and ease it back down. Her eyes caught sight of the bag of flour and she smirked. The tribrid grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at the unaware vampire. Cami groaned at the sight of her now flour covered top, the blonde bartender threw the eggs at the teenager. Of course her actions caused a continuous food fight between the pair.

"CAMI!" Hayley yelled as she entered the kitchen. The hybrid bursted into laughter at the sight in front of her. Her friend and her teenage daughter were covered in flour and eggs. The moment Hope had heard her mother's angelic voice she bolted into Hayley's arms. She didn't care that this might not be real she was just glad that she was allowed to have one day with her family. The female hybrid was confused by her daughter's actions but she decided not to comment on them and let her daughter hug her for as long as she needed to. Elijah went to check in on his wife where he also found the mess all over the kitchen.

"Ladies please tell me you didn't do all of this mess? My gosh Camille you and my niece seem to think it is easy to get this kitchen spotless," The original vampire huffed before embracing his hybrid mate from behind.

"Oh calm down Elijah why do you always have to be such a buzzkill," Camille snapped back raising her chin in defiance. Hope's eyes widened when she heard the name of the blonde woman. Cami as in the woman who her father compelled to write his memoirs, the woman who took care of her, the woman who died at the hands of Lucien Castle?

A huge grin spread across the tribrid's face as she started to remember when Cami used to lull her to sleep when she was just a baby. She finally found the name and face for the familiar voice.

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