Chapter 3

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She finally found a name and face for the familiar voice.

"So where's Aunt Davina and Uncle Kol?" Hope asked. She wasn't sure if her wishes affected anyone else, she hoped not.

"Oh well you know your Uncle Kol, he loves romance, him and Davina are in Paris for there Honeymoon. Marcel and Rebekah are in Europe while Freya and Keelin are in London with little baby Nik," Cami answered as she glanced down at the wedding ring on her finger. She finally had the family she's always wanted. Yes it's messy and confusing but in the end they are all together. Always and Forever.

Hope let out a sigh of relief she was worried that because of her wishes that her Aunt Keelin and Aunt Freya might not have met. They most likely met in different circumstances. The tribrid thoughts drifted towards the Salvatore School but most of all the Saltzman twins.

"Are Josie and I still friends? Does Lizzie still hate me?" Hope decided to bury her hidden questions and instead spend some time with her family.

The teenager headed into her father's study. She realised on how different it was compared to the way it was before he passed away. She smiled softly as her gaze found a wedding photo of her father and Cami. They both look so happy but her favourite part of the photo was that her whole family was there. She laughed when she found a photo of her mum, Cami and Aunt Davina drunk posing while her Uncles and dad were in the background.

The more she studied the photos the more the tribrid realised that her family would've been happier if most of the events didn't occur. Her father would've had the love of his life as well as her Uncle and her mother would've been happy together. Hope sighed she really missed her parents and she was glad to finally have them back. Maybe she could stay here for one day and then ask the Jinni to take her back. Who knows what's happening back at the Salvatore School? She knows Dr Saltzman is going to be angry at her for letting the monster get to her however right now Hope decides to worry about it when the time comes. She deserves this. She needs this. It will be the closure she never had.

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