Chapter 7

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Soon the tribrid was being dragged once again out of the gates.

"That looks so gorgeous on you Hope! We'll take it!" Rebekah ordered as she handed the beautiful blood red dress to the cashier. The female original vampire searched through the clothes racks trying to find some perfect dresses for the rest of the Mikaelson women.

After a while Rebekah managed to find a dress for everyone, a golden one for Freya, a light blue one for Keelin, an orange one for Davina, a bright red for Hayley, a gorgeous pink one for Cami and last but not least a teal one for herself. Beaming the original vampire handed all of her chosen dresses to the cashier and pulled out one of her older brother's many credit cards.

Hope chuckled at her Aunt's enthusiasm. She truly missed going shopping with her Auntie Bex. The tribrid sighed knowing that she'll have to leave this reality soon. However she couldn't help but wonder if anyone at the Salvatore school noticed her absence. Probably Dr Saltzman. Maybe Josie... She let out another soft sigh before glancing over towards her mother and her aunts, a bright smile covered her face instantly.

"C'mon kiddo let's just hope Cami was able to make sure none of them killed each other," Keelin laughed as she placed her arm along her niece's shoulders. She truly loved her wife but it is a struggle sometimes to deal with her vampire family especially her brothers.

"You ok there Bekah?" Hayley smirked as she watched her best friend try to carry all of the shopping bags.

"Yeah!" Rebekah assured, smirking as she threw the bags over her shoulders. She playfully nudged her older sister which earned her a smack to the shoulder and a death glare from the eldest Mikaelson. Freya sent one last glare to her younger sister before catching up to her wife and threading their fingers together. The blonde witch playfully winked at her niece which made the tribrid laugh.

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