Chapter 6

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She handed a few boxes to Hope, as the pair raced off to the Compound.

The moment the pair entered the Compound the tribrid bolted into her family's arms.

"I can't believe you are all here!" Hope squealed with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it. This is the best day of her life!

"Anything for our favourite niece," Kol said with his classic smirk.

"Cami!" Davina yelled as she raced into her friend's  arms. She hadn't seen her best friend in months.

"D looking great as always," Cami chuckled, she sent a protective glare towards Kol. The Mikaelson brother didn't approve of the blonde vampire's manners and approached her.

"Well well well isn't it my brother's annoying wife," Kol grumbled rudely. Klaus growled at his little brother as he hugged his wife from behind, he hated whenever his little brother was rude to his brave bartender.

"Oh shove it Kol!" Rebekah grunted as she hit her brother on the back of the head. Kol huffed angrily before dragging his little witch to their bedroom.

"Can you guys go one minute without arguing," Freya groaned, she just finished getting her son to sleep. Keelin chuckled lightly as she embraced the tribrid.

"Hey little sis how's school?" Marcel asked while hugging Hope.

"It's been...interesting for the most part. Especially with Malivore," The teenager sighed she was really tired of always having to fight monsters.

"Well don't worry my littlest wolf, why don't we allow our servants to finish preparing dinner whilst you're mother and your aunt's take you shopping?" Klaus suggested, all of the Mikaelson women smiled excitedly. Rebekah let out a high pitch squeal causing everyone to flinch.

"SHHH! I just put Nik to sleep," Freya whispered. Hope chuckled at her two aunts bickering. Cami decided to stay so Hope could spend more time with the rest of the women.

Soon the tribrid was being dragged once again out of the gates.

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