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"Eda, thank you for agreeing to meet with me," Deniz said as I pulled up a chair to sit on in his cafe.

"What do you mean Deniz? Of course I agreed to meet with you, why wouldn't I?" I started, feeling guilty of what I had done to him.

"After all I did to you, I owe you an explanation," I finished, as I gestured him to sit in front me.

"Yok Eda, I don't need any explanation. Serkan told me everything," Deniz said, leaving me confused.

"What? What did he say Deniz?" I asked perplexed, For the past few days I had been thinking of what Serkan had said to Deniz on our wedding day. What would Deniz leave without even talking to me? I wanted to ask him but after Serkan's disturbed emotional status, I thought better than to bring it up.

"He said that he remembers everything and wanted his fiancée back," My mind was in a tizzy, Serkan does not remember everything, not yet at least and I knew this for a fact, but then what I was hearing now went completely against that notion. I tried my best not to look surprised, for Deniz's sake.

"Amongst other things," he slowly added.

"Like?", I tried to press but Deniz just shook it off and at that time I was too focused on what Serkan had said to him earlier to press him any further.

"Eda, I haven't told you this before but I think that I should..." he said hesitantly.

"What is it Deniz?" I asked, worried from his tone.

"I'm leaving to America." He said as he stared at me. I honestly didn't expect that, he had returned after so long and I just assumed that he was going to stay for good.

"A- America? But why? You just got here!" I said, I was already down a friend, I didn't want to be down another.

"I can't stay here anymore Eda, it's too hard for me," he replied, and I could see the tears brimming up in his eyes.

"What's wrong Deniz? Tell me, I'll do anything to help," I said immediately, worried for him. I'd never seen him this way, all sad and worried.

"Please don't Eda... not now. You're always like this, eager to help, always smiling, strong, selfless... "

"Deniz, why are you saying all this?" I asked slowly.

"Don't you see Eda? It's you. I've been in love with you since we were children. And you never reciprocated my feelings, you were always my best friend and I was fine with that at the time because I didn't want to lose you..." I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"But now that we were this close to getting married," he gestured with his fingers,

"I can't go back to the way it was. I just can't accept it," he continued.

"I thought that if we got married, it'd show you a different side of me, that you could love me as much as I always have but it's always been Serkan, he's the only one for you, like you are the only one for me," he said with a sad smile. I never knew he felt this way, maybe if I'd known earlier...

"Oh Deniz, I...I don't know what to say," I said honestly.

"You don't have to say anything Eda, you've been honest with me from the start, you've told me that you'll only ever love Serkan and I was a fool for thinking that I could change that," he said, leaving me all squeamish.

"I just hope you are happy together," he said and I could see that he genuinely meant that.

"And Eda, no matter what, know that I'll always be there for you. I'll be just a phone call away," he smiled, and I wanted to tell him that he was going to be miles of oceans away but now didn't seem like the right time for jokes, it was a very sombre atmosphere and all things considered, I was really going to miss him.

"Come here," I said as I got up and enveloped him in a hug.

"I may not be able to love you in the way you love me but I do love you Deniz, and I always will," I said as I let go.

"I know Eda," was all he said. I could tell that this interaction was painful for him, and I honestly wanted him to feel better but I had no idea what the right words were.

"Don't be a stranger Deniz," I said as I turned around to leave. He didn't say anything, he just waved and forced a smile, a smile I knew all too well.


"Oh Eda, I feel terrible," Melo said as I finished telling her about my interaction with Deniz at the cafe.

"Me too Melo, I just keep thinking back to those days, if I could have done something to not lead him on any further," I looked at her, as I arranged a bouquet of chrysanthemums.

"Eda, there's nothing you could have done... no one saw this coming," Melo said and I nodded, she was the only one I could talk to now. Ceren was gone and Deniz is moving half way across the world.

"I just feel bad Melo, he says that he'll never be able to move on from me and I don't want that for him, I want him to be happy," I said truthfully.

"Some stories just don't work out Eda, that's just life." Melo handed me a ribbon to finish things off. Just when I was going to tie it up, my cellphone rang, startling the hell out of me.

"Eda where are you?" came the familiar voice of Serkan Bolat before even I could put the receiver to my ear.

"Good evening to you too Serkan, how was your day?" I asked sarcastically as I picked the bow that I'd dropped earlier.

"Cok funny Eda, we were supposed to meet for lunch," he said and I could immediately sense the disappointment in his voice.

"But Serkan, I'd sent you a message saying that I couldn't make it," I took one final look at my finished flower arrangement before I signalled to Melo to take it away.

"Are you still with Deniz?"

"No Serkan I'm with Melo." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh," was all he said before I started talking again.

"Speaking of Deniz, what exactly did you say to him on my wedding day?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, It wasn't your wedding day Eda," he said in a raised tone.

"But what did you say to him?" I pressed again.

"I told him to leave, I thought I already told you that," he replied but this time I could tell that he was lying.

"I know what you really told him Serkan," I said, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. He was silent for a few seconds.

"And?" he said with confidence, making no effort to deny it, like he'd done nothing wrong.

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself?" I asked, making no effort to hide my displeasure for his brazenness.

"Why? I didn't say anything wrong though," I felt my fingers twitch in annoyance.

"You lied to him about getting your memories back!"

"To save me a little time from explaining the whole situation, yes."

"You told him that I was your fiancée!"

"Aren't you though?" he asked, his voice dripping with cockiness and for a second, I couldn't reply. I opened and closed my mouth multiple times, not knowing what to say, while Melo was laughing her head off in front of me.

"Where are you?" he said, clearly enjoying the situation.

"The flower shop." I muttered.

"Okay I'll be the-" I cut the call before he could finish. I was being awfully petty but I didn't know what else to do, he was enjoying this and I wasn't going to make things any more easier for him.

Serkan Bolat is officially back. And I was so screwed.

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