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ADVISORY: Mild sexual content ahead.

"Eniste?" I saw Melo say, as I hid behind the flower pots. Why was I hiding? I had no idea. Serkan made me do things that I normally never would.

"Melo!," he said as he crushed her in a bear hug. And at that minute, I was almost about to blow my own cover looking at how cute the scene before me was.

"Eda nerde?," he asked as he pulled apart.

"Uh..." she started off as I facepalmed myself, I'd seen this picture before and I knew exactly how this was going to end.

"Don't even bother, forget what you were just about to say and tell me the truth, it'll save us both some time," he said as he put his hands on his waist, almost making me laugh, but I also knew that my time was going to be up soon as Melo didn't stand a chance. So I pulled up the hood of the hoodie I was wearing and fished for a pair of sunglasses in my bag, I quickly slipped them on and tiptoed to the other side of the shop, from where I proceeded to the entrance casually, acting like I was just another customer.

"Madame you dropped this," I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Hoping that he hadn't recognised me yet, I turned around slowly, only to find him clutching his heart. Oh Serkan had a flair for the dramatic alright. Now that I was a hundred percent sure that he'd seen me, I took off the glasses and lowered my hood.

"Next time you're trying to hide from me, at least try not to wear my clothes, it makes it less obvious." he fake whispered as he pointed at the hoodie, making me heave a big sigh at my stupidity.

"I wasn't trying to hide from you, I ju-"

"Liar," he said as he rolled his eyes, making me want to pull his hair out.

"I need to go now," I muttered as I started walking towards the entrance.

"What a coincidence! I do too," Serkan said as he grabbed a hold of my hand and led me outside. I felt my insides get squished into a puddle as I walked beside him, not making an effort to break free. We walked in silence for a minute until we reached his car.

"Get in the car askim," he said, and I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat.

"I have my own car I-"

"Now," he added with a hint of aggression.

"Okay, fine!" I exclaimed as I got into his car. As soon as I had sat down, I looked outside the window, not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

"You cut my call," It wasn't a question.

"Evet, you were being boring," I said too quickly. Never was I going to admit to him that I was actually bothered by something he said.

"So being called my fiancée is boring?" I could feel him turn his head and bore his eyes into the back of my neck but I still wasn't looking, not yet at least.

"I meant it by the way, every single word," he added, I could tell that he was mad at my reaction, or lack thereof, but I needed time. It wasn't the same anymore, I was hurt. I couldn't talk to him about it because I knew that he was hurting in his own way but everything couldn't go back to the way it was.

"So you aren't going to look at me now?," he said as he stepped on the accelerator. It was starting to rain now, making it difficult to see the road outside. For a few minutes, it was silent, neither of us wanting to say anything.

"Serkan you're going too fast," I said as I finally took my eyes off the window, it was starting to pour down pretty heavily but he didn't make any effort to slow down, or use the windshield wipers.

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