19||S E R K A N

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Advisory: Sexual content ahead.

"What do you mean by Eda's there?!" Engin asked for the third time over the phone as I facepalmed myself. Why must everything be this complicated.

"For the love of God Engin, she's here, she's been with Kiraz ever since she got here," I muttered as I watched the two of them build a Lego house through the tall glass doors of the balcony.

"How is Kiraz taking it?"

"She's over the moon. I haven't ever seen her like this Engin..."

"Did she tell you where she's been for all this time, what she's been doing, why she left?" Engin said without letting me get a single word in.

"No I didn't let her," I admitted to him. The lesser I knew, the better. I wanted nothing to do with the woman.

"What do you mean? Aren't you even a little curious? I mean from what you've told me, it does seem like she didn't want to leave you an-"

"But she did leave Engin!" I screamed into the phone, "I don't care what her reason was, it doesn't matter!" It shouldn't matter.

"It sounds like it matters to me," Engin said, sounding all cloak and dagger.

"Spit it out, you obviously have something to say,"

"Well, as much as you'll hate to hear this, you do care for her. I'm not going to use the L word because I know you'll freak out and do something stupid if I do but that doesn't mean that the L isn't there," I heaved a big sigh as he continued rambling over the phone. "The L is there my friend, the L has always been there,"

"Shut up Engin stop saying L!" I screamed, making Eda and Kiraz turn towards me from inside, only to start laughing between themselves a second later. 'Cok funny' I mouthed sarcastically from the balcony, making them double down harder at my expense.

"If it were me, I'd want to hear her out," he said as I touched the flowerpots that sat on the racks beside the rail. "And the Serkan I know would want an explanation from anyone else that had done it," I stopped in my tracks hearing the new nonsense he was spurting out.

"Please educate me then," I said before I could stop myself.

"You know her well and you know that there's a high chance she has a more than reasonable explanation for what she did," he said, ignoring the sarcasm laced in my voice. "That's the problem, you want hating her to be easy that you don't want to open your eyes to look at what's in front of you," I watched as Eda helped Kiraz build the house. What Engin said wasn't entirely untrue I thought, I wanted to hate her. Was that such a bad thing? Was it wrong for me to want to hate the wife who left me and our daughter?

"What no snappy response this time?" Engin continued as I thought about my actions.

"Who's side are you on?" I muttered, not wanting to admit to him outright that he may have had a point.

"Yours, of course yours," he paused. "All I'm saying is that she might be on your side too, you just don't see it yet,"

"How the hell is destroying me to shreds being on my side? Should I be worried about you too? Are you planning on burning me alive? Anything I should know about?" I shouted through the microphone.

"I'd die for you Serkan, you know that, and I know for a fact that the Eda that I knew wouldn't have hesitated to do the same," I paced down the small balcony, thinking over what he'd said. "She left the two people she loves most in this world to go to god knows where, that sounds worse than dying to me,"

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