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Emma Watson sat down on her sofa, her sister's phone in her hand and a frown etched on her face. "What bullshit is this?" She swore, handing the phone back to her sister whilst grabbing a spoon from Ophelia and digging into the ice cream that lay infront of them on the coffee table.

Emma watched her sister sigh and fold her hands on her lap, "News keep coming after me for just having more than one guy friend, it just gets boring after the first three articles." All three girls rolled their eyes, complaining to eachother about some news faults.

"It doesn't matter anyways, I don't care about the news, I did text the guys though and asked if they were okay with it." Aurora shrugged, wiping away the drip of ice cream that was on the corner of her mouth. Poppy nodded along, finishing off her ice cream.

"The media was so obnoxious when I was filming Harry Potter." Emma groaned, willing herself not to slap her forehead. She rubbed her eyes whilst putting her glass down. "They were sexualising me since I was like, 13!" Everyone in the room could tell the exhasperation within her voice. They knew how much she hated the publicity she had gained at a young age. Don't get her wrong, she liked being famous, but cameras went trying to get a picture of under her skirt, some even going as far to harrass her family. Mainly Aurora.

"Let's get off from this sad topic," Poppy sighed, "Let's talk about how Miss Rory here, is flirting with him."

Rory scrunched up her nose, "I'm not flirting with Chris."

Rory watched as Emma and Poppy erupt with laughter and not even bother to try and cover it up. "What? Did I say something?" Her voice was laced with confusion as she watched her best friend and sister almost roll on the floor with laughter. "Now come on! What is it?" She was getting concerned now.

Poppy was the first to recover, wiping away the slight tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes. "We didn't say Chris. You were so flirting!" She looked over at Emma who was still snickering on her place by the sofa, her hands clutched on her stomach.

Rory's mouth turned into a 'o' and her cheeks became red as she tried to cover up her face with her hair. "You guys are the worst!" She yelled, picking up a pillow and throwing it directly into Poppy's face. It landed it's target making Poppy to let out a 'oof' sound. Emma snorted out with laughter again, tears running down her face with laughter.

"Oh you'll get it now Watson!"

Rory smirked at her friend who had gotten up and grabbed a cushion that was to her left. Poppy stalked forwards, oblivious to Emma who was copying her moves, standing right behind her, getting ready to attack. Poppy was slightly confused by Rory's confidence but she didn't let it throw her as she raised her hand with the cushion in it. But before she could bring it down on her victim she was sent stumbling away, feathers flying around the room.

"What in the fudge cakes!?" She stopped herself from cursing the Watson's out. The Watson sisters giggled at their friend, whos hair was now messed up. Emma gave Rory a high five and they relished in their small victory.

Poppy scoffed, "Okay that's just not fair! Two against one?" She whined, falling to her knees dramatically. Rory nor Emma were convinced and just jeered at her.

"C'mon get up! We can have a pillow fight now withought you being a drama queen. C'mon Poppy! Up! Up!" Emma clapped her hands, getting Poppy to stand up. "Now, we wont team up, 'cus we don't want you to moan like a baby." This made Poppy quickly get up and snatch a pillow from the floor and throwing it over her shoulder in a 'harley quinn' manner.

"Get ready losers!"

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