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"Gosh I can't wait to meet you little guy!" Chris Evans was kneeling in front of his heavily pregnant girlfriend who was sat on the plush sofa

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"Gosh I can't wait to meet you little guy!" Chris Evans was kneeling in front of his heavily pregnant girlfriend who was sat on the plush sofa. Though, Rory always thought that Sebastian had the best couch. (Someone knows this reference plss) Aurora Watson was rubbing the top of her stomach lovingly, whispering words to coax the baby to somehow just get out already. They had also decided to wait til the birth to find out the gender, much to Sebastian and Anthony's dissapointment. They wanted to know the sex of the baby so they could figure out some good names before it was born.

Poppy and Emma were also very supportive, taking care of Rory whenever they could. Poppy would speak to the baby most days and tell it some embarassing stories of their childhood. Sometimes Aurora would find it amusing, but other times she was ready to hit Poppy on the head with a brick. She was pretty close to doing that once but had to be held back by Emma who came into the room to Rory sneaking up on Poppy with a heavy object in her hands. Poppy was oblivious. Again.

It was chaotic.

Don't get her wrong, she loved the thought of having a child with Chris, but she just wanted this to be over with already. It had been 9 long months being pregnant, being sick, back pains whilst Chris got off free with just a rightfully whiny girlfriend.

"You can come out now little one than we can meet you and your mommy can stop whining." Chris spoke to his child in a whisper though he knew full well that Rory could hear him. Pregnancy didn't effect her hearing after all.

She pushed herself up so she was looking at him dead in the eye, her arms folded over her chest as well as she could, "Now, Christopher, you wouldn't say such insensitive things to your heavily pregnant girlfriend who had to endure a nine month pregnancy full of being sick every morning and many more symptoms who also will have to push put a whole arse child from her downstairs. Would you?" She scolded, her voice harsh and cold but Chris knew she was being playful, mostly.


Aurora smirked in response, putting her feet up on the other side of the sofa and relaxing her head back. Chris moved behind her shoulders as a pillow and started to massage her back to try and take some of the strain away. He kissed her exposed shoulders and Rory spun around (as much as she could) and glared at him, "Now that's how we ended up with this child in the first place."

Chris raised his hands in a surrendered position but he still had a smirk on his face, "My bad, doll. Let's just relax then, hm?"

Aurora hummed a response letting her head find it's way on Chris' chest. Even though he had solid abs, it was still comfortable for her. She put a hand on her bloated stomach and sighed contently, "You think it's a boy?"

"Oh I know it's a boy."

Aurora scoffed, "Oh you do, do you? I say it's a girl. Mothers instinct." Chris decided not to argue with Rory, with her mood swings, he never knew how she would react to the smallest things.

Chris' phone buzzed from the coffee table in the living room. "Can I get that?"

Aurora put her hand on her chin and tapped it as though she was thinking, "Hmmmmmmmm no. You chose to be my pillow. You're my pillow. And it's not your mum, she doesn't call you at this hour and it's not your siblings because they only call or text you on the weekends. And they're the only people I respect enough to let you get that phone." Chris chuckled at this.

"Fair enough."

Rory Watson and Chris Evans were truly happy at this momen-


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