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- End of date night -

"I can't believe they tried to follow us into that bloody resturant." Aurora giggled her way through the night as she and Chris strolled back home. Chris nodded, slightly drunk, to her talking. To say he was whipped was true and he knew it too. He took her hand in his as they swayed along to the music that was blaring in the background. They had noticed Anthony Mackie and Poppy Karl stalking the pair as they went around London. They had finally lost them after rushing through bars after bars to throw them off their trail. They ended up in a empty lane, no houses around on each side and no cars could be seen as they walked straight down the middle of the road. There was a thumping sound to which neither knew if it was their hearts or the bass of the music.

Chris found himself rubbing circles on her hand with his thumb with a bashful smile on his face. Rory had a similar look on her face, her cheeks flushed pink and her lipstick slightly smudged from drinking and eating that day. Her hair was slightly messed up from the short curls she had put them up in and they were tousled on her shoulders. To Chris she was a vision of beauty and he was enthralled by the thought of him and her together.

"I had a really good night Rory. I want you to know that before i-" He couldn't get himself to say the last few words. Rory stopped to look over at him, to make sure he was okay. Confusion was written all over her beautiful face. He seemed to gaze at her for a bit longer than normal, his eyes grazing over every part of her face.

She cocked her head to the side, "Before you what?"

"Before I mess up our friendship." His voice was quiet and his gaze was downwards, suddenly taking interest in the concrete of the road. Aurora seemed interest in where this conversation was going. She sighed, blowing her warm breath air into the sky, watching it mistify. She giggled before furrowing her brows.

She scrunched up her nose as they slowed to a stop, "Why would you ruin our friend-" Aurora never got to finish that sentence.

She was silenced by Chris' lips falling upon hers. It took her a few seconds to respond and once she did she calmed down, pulling a hand up to cup his face. She could feel him smile into the kiss and she couldn't help but copy his facial expression. Their kiss was sweet and soft, no lust just yet. Their lips moulded together and Rory and Chris both felt that they were on cloud 9. Chris put a hand on her waist in a gentlemanly fashion instead of a way of lust.

Once they broke apart Chris seemed to just have realised what he had done. His face had paled and his mouth was gaping slightly. She watched him run a hand through his hair whilst biting his lip, "I-i'm sorry I should've asked for consent ohmygod-" Aurora cut him off with a soft, quick kiss on his lips which sufficiently stopped his rambling.

"It's okay." Was all she whispered, letting him step closer to her as they gazed into eachother's eyes. There was something that passed between them. A knowing look, I suppose. They both knew things would change between them and they were at total peace with that. She ran a hand up his toned chest as they swayed to the humming sound of the bar. He offered his hand for her for a small dance. He watched her face twist into a grin as she took it and let him lead her in a ballroom dance.

"La la la la." Aurora hummed as they danced along the road, no fears, no thoughts, only them. Her gaze never left his and she found herself get lost in the blue eyes. Her lips were pulled into a smile and every once in a while she would flick her head back to get the falling hair away from her eyes. Even after three times of pushing her hair back Chris paused dancing to move away her hair and push it behind her ear, unknowingly pulling them closer together.

"Did I?"

Aurora tilted her head, "Did what?"

"Did I ruin our friendship?"

She seemed to think it over for a few moments which caused doubt to flood through Chris' mind.

"No, I don't think so," She started, looking down, "W-w-would you want something more? With m--me?" She seemed shy and the tip of her ears were red along with the base of her neck.

Chris' eyes were wide and he was starting to open and close his mouth like a gold fish. She wanted to be with him? He seemed lost and Aurora was worried before gasping slightly when he pressed his mouth on hers to which she tilted her head to let him get better access. They pulled away as the music from the bar seemed to slowly stop. He looked into her eyes as he rubbed his thumb over her cheeks. She leant her head into his hand and gave out a content sigh, a good ol' smile on her face.

"I really, really like you Aurora Watson."

"I really, really like you too, Christopher Evans."

( A/N: Holy mother of god it was a bit awkward writing this chapter even though i did not go into ANY detail. ITS BECAUSE IM NOT USED TO IT OKAY! I've never had my first kiss so ... awkward! I'm so sorry for anyone who had better ideas for their first kizz :P Today i did quite an update spreeeeeeeee! bUT THEY CONFESSED! I didnt plan on them to b u t . . .  )

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