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Aurora snuggled into Chris' side as the TV blared soft music beside them. Christmas had finally come and they both were snuggled up on the sofa, a cup of hot chocolate beside them on the coffee table, rims of dripping hot chocolate covering the table where previous cups had condensed. The light above them shined a dim, yellow light on them, giving them a ethereal look. The two really looked content in with eachother's company.

Under the TV was a roaring fire, the dark, warm sensation giving them both a perfect habitat to snuggle and watch TV. Aurora would giggle every so often at the movie which they were watching, which so happened to be Civil War. She absolutely loved Sebastian's character; Bucky. She loved how he had a rough past and yet seemed to get through it all, it was inspirational for her. Though she could admit that Chris' character was hot as hell (A/n: DID SHE LIE??)

"I like Bucky, poor guy was a victim for so long." She sniffled, digging further into Chris' chest. He was as snug as a bug. He chuckled at her amusement and wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders, leaning his head into the crook of her neck. He breathed in her natural scent, lilies and roses.

He waited a few moments before the movie had started to calm down and the noise levels decreased, "I love you, you know?" He whispered against her ear, making her invonteraily shiver. She gave the world a smug smile as she thought about why she was blessed with such a man.

"I love you too." he whispered into her neck, sending flutters into her stomach. His breath tickled her neck hairs and made her relax into him. She traced random lines down his arms, tracing a few scars from failed stunts. She recalled a few of the memories and she couldn't help but giggle.

Chris grinned at this, shifting himself so that he could actually see the movie. He didn't really mind missing some of it due to the fact that he didn't really like seeing himself peform. He watched as Aurora pointed at the screen which now had Steve clinging on the side of the helicopter, "Damn that's hot."and she went back to sipping quietly at her hot chocolate. He giggled at her and rolled his eyes playfully. "The 'hotness' is right here, you blind you ol' bat?"

Aurora gave a fake gasp, putting a hand to her chest in fake alarm, "You? As hot as Bucky Barnes, I don't think so fake Steve Rogers." she tutted, turning her head back to the tv, a smirk written all over her face.

Chris seemed to take offence with this and he took hold of her chin roughly and placed his lips on hers starting a wild make out session.

Once both of their lips were red and swollen and gasping for air, Chris let out a chuckle, "Not as hot as Bucky Barnes hm?" He asked. She tucked a few hairs behind her ear which was covered in hickeys. She hummed quietly. Chris raised a brow and a smirk twitched on the side of his face.

Aurora pretended to think, "Nope!" She popped the letter 'p' and stood up from the sofa, pulling up the blanket as she did so. Chris let out an annoying whine from the loss of contact and blanket to which Aurora only rolled her eyes at. "When you can look as hot as Sebastian Stan talk to me." and with that she sashayed into their bedroom, a sway laced into her hips intentionally. Chris smirked to himself and hopped off the sofa to follow his girlfriend.

"I love you Aurora Watson."

"I love you too Christopher Evans."

(A/N did I just actually finish a story? Even if it was a bad ending, I actually finished something! Thank you everyone who supported this, I am so grateful for every single person who had read this. )

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