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{Yeah im lazy, and? But for real, i'm writing this late at night because i didn't wann leave ya with nothing <3 UPDATE: I JUST HIT 1K VIEWS, TYSM!?}

Chris Evans stood on the front doorstep with Aurora Watson a step taller than him. The English weather was exceptionally boring, raining down lightly on the pair. By the time they had reached the Watson's apartment, both people's hair was stuck to their face and their cheeks were flushed pink from the cold. It was a cliche moment really, but it was a beautiful moment for them to share.
Rory watched her breath form as she breathed in and out, clouding their faces.

"Today was great fun, thank you. I never really thanked you before now" Chris stuttered over with his words, trying his best not to mess up infront of Rory. He watched as a smile stretched over her features.

"I must thank you Chris, it was amazing hanging out with you around London today," She took a deep breath, "Maybe we can hang out again soon? You're staying in England for a bit longer right?" She held a breath as she awaited for his answer. Secretly she was crossing her fingers in the pocket of her coat jacket. Her forehead was wrinkled slightly, showing a look of concern. Alas, there was no need for concern as chris agreed almost instantly.

"Yeah, I would like that." He grinned looking into her eyes through the mist. He could faintly hear the pitter patter of rain that fell around them. Her eyes looked down at his lips before going back to his eyes. She could see him leaning forwards and she didn't retaliate, moving closer slightly. Her breathing was coming out quicker an her eyes were full of adoration. His lips were curved into a soft smile and she couldn't help but copy his smile. Both of their heads were moving closer together at a quick pace.

Before they could even get an inch of locking lips, Emma had come to the door, interrupting their cute moment. The two took a step away from eachother, their faces red with blush. Emma's mouth was open slightly as she shifted her robe around her as she shivered.

"D-did I interrupt something?" Her voice was filled with curiosity as her eyes fell upon both of their flushed faces. She didn't miss Aurora's sly comment of 'obviously' which earned a quiet chukle from Chris. "Well you're going to just stand there, you both?" She asked, raising a brow. Her life of acting came in handy now, it was a struggle not to laugh at their faces. She knew she accidentally interrupted something, anyone could tell from their beetroot faces.

Emma spun on her heel, walking back into the apartment, a smirk appearing on her face after being out of their eyesight. She left them to seal things up.

Rory breathed out after she watched her sister turn away. She batted her eyelashes, quite dumbstruck to what almost ahppened. On one half, she was glad Emma had interrupted. But on the bigger side she knew that she wanted to kiss Chris.

"Well I guess I should head back..." Chris spoke interrupting the slightly uncomfortable silence. ROry nodded, crossing her arms over her chest and not meeting his eyes. She didn't want to get lost in them and start something before she could stop herself.

"I'll text you..." She whispered quietly. Chris was expecting her to turn around and just strut off, however, he was shocked when she gave a him a quick peck on the cheek before entering her apartment. Chris' mouth was hung open and he stood on the doorstep for a minute, lightly grazing the place to which she had kissed. Well, not really kiss but you get what I mean. He was a happy man.

Aurora stepped back into her apartment, biting her lip as she swore under her breath. She walked into the living room after dropping her coat on the floor and running a hand through her damp hair.

She walked towards the sofa but realised that Emma was sat there, simply waiting for her sister to join her. Emma's brows rose and a smirk danced on her lips. The dim lamp shone a low orange colour on her face as she rubbed her hands together like an evil maniac. "So.... you going to explain what in the fudge name was going on?"

Rory groaned and flopped next to her sister on the sofa, a huff exiting her body as she lay down, fully exhausted. She didn't even bother to look at her sister's face which was probably a taunt which she didn't have time for. "Don't even."

Emma pouted, watching her sister flip her off with a giggle. "That looked like something if ya ask me." She smirked, fiddling with her perfect nails. "Also, would this be a bad time to mention I always wanted to be a aunt?" Emma looked over to her sister with a tauntingly innocent smile. Rory's face turned pink again and she flipped off her sister again. Emma could make out her sister mumbling something like 'lil shit' and 'mother of chicken noodles'. This made Emma burst out in laughter and she watched her sister saunter away.


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