chapter ten!

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chapter ten! the date

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chapter ten! the date

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Thea felt like she'd been getting ready for her date for hours, and before that, she had spent the previous hour on the phone with Louise picking out an outfit for her date. She had curled her hair to perfection, and not knowing what Alec had arranged for their evening together she decided to dress casually.

Alec had insisted that everything on the date needed to be a surprise, but had promised that Thea would love every minute of it.

Thea, with help from Louise, had chosen a light floral summer dress and a light pink cardigan, hoping that Alec had the sense to pick an indoor location as snow still covered the streets of Hartford.

It was a little past eight when the ringing of the doorbell echoed through the Gilmore mansion. Thea grabbed her pink coat and pulled it on over her dress as she rushed out of her bedroom and down the stairs.

"Good evening, Mrs Gilmore," Alec greeted, smiling at the woman. Thea rested for a moment at the bottom of the stairs, watching the interaction between her grandmother and her date.

"Good evening, Alexander," Emily smiled, stepping back and allowing Alec to enter the house just as she had many times before.

Thea stuffed her hands into the pockets of her pink coat, checking that she had her lipgloss and a small fabric purse, that contained a small amount of money, and her house keys as she crossed the foyer to join Alec and her grandmother.

"You look beautiful," Alec beamed, pulling a small bouquet of peonies from behind her back.

"Thank you, they're beautiful," Thea smiled, accepting the bouquet that matched the soft pink of her winter coat.

"I'll make sure Eloise puts those in your bedroom for you," Emily offered, extending her hand for the floral bouquet that Thea gently passed her after examining the beautiful flowers.

"I won't be back late, Grandma," Thea promised, kissing Emily on the cheek before following Alec over to his car.

• • • • • • •

Thea and Alec had spent the thirty-minute drive discussing the upcoming school musical that Thea was planning on auditioning for. Alec smiled in awe at the sparkle that appeared in Thea's forest-green eyes as she spoke about the upcoming school event, it had always been one of her favourite parts of the academic year.

Alec had learnt about the Black-White-Read movie theatre from Rory, who had overheard Alec's conversation with Paris about the date and suggested the theatre who were playing one of Thea's favourite movies.

The bookstore that Alec had brought her to seemed to double as a bookstore during the day and a cinema during the evening, which it was currently serving as.

"They're playing 'The Sound of Music'," Alec spoke up, lacing his fingers with Thea's and leading her towards the entrance to the small movie theatre.

"You remembered," Thea smiled, allowing Alec to lead her over to the counter where they quickly paid for their tickets. The Sound of Music had always been one of Thea's favourite movies, she'd even gone as far as to make Alec and Paris reenact scenes from it with her when they were young.

"How could I not?" Alec smiled, a gentle laugh falling from his lips.

"You did do a perfect job of being Captain Von Trapp," Thea beamed, edging closer to the boy. His gentle breath warmed her, their faces millimetres apart Alec's eyes flitted from Thea's perfect lips and back to her mossy eyes.

"Popcorn?" the cinema worker asked, Alec and Thea nervously took a step back at the sudden interruption. Thea smiled turning to the worker, glancing at his name badge that proudly displayed his name, Kirk,
"I think we've met before."

Thea nodded, a smile crossing her lips, she had spent a while talking to Kirk one of the last times she'd been in town and had thought he was a unique character, much like the other citizens of the town., "Yeah, at the Bracebridge dinner at the Inn."

"It's Thea, right? Lorelai's girl?" Kirk confirmed silence fell as Thea nervously looked away. Thea and Lorelai had yet to speak to each other after their late-night chat in Luke's a few weeks before.

"Large popcorn and two diet cokes," Alec quickly interjected, a frown crossing his face as he saw the look that had clouded Thea's face.

Kirk nodded, turning to make the popcorn and drinks he'd been asked for. Alec placed the money Kirk had requested on the counter, taking the drinks and popcorn Kirk had prepared before leading Thea further into the cinema.

The pair collapsed onto a small, deep red sofa at the front of the makeshift movie theatre. Thea shimmered out of her coat, Alec slipped his spare hand into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a packet of red vines and mallomars and offering them to the girl. Thea cuddled into Alec's side as the opening credits rolled onto the screen, the gentle start of the infamous 'The Sound of Music' echoing through the small theatre.

• • • • • • •

"Thank you for tonight, it was a lot of fun,"
Thea smiled up at the dark-haired boy, the soft glow of the porch light casting shadows of the smiling teens onto the gravelled drive.

"I'm glad we got to do this," Alec replied, pulling Thea closer to him, "I couldn't have predicted a more perfect night."

"I'm so glad," Thea agreed, her smirk matching his as he leaned in closer, his forehead resting on hers, their faces now inches apart, "Alec..."

"Yeah," he softly responds, all of a sudden he feels her lips on his.

Alec cupped Thea's cheeks, the taste of the girl's cherry lip gloss overcoming his senses. Thea felt her stomach go crazy with butterflies, her hands resting on Alec's shoulders. She smiled into the kiss, she could definitely get used to this.

"We should do this again sometime," Alec suggested pulling apart from the Gilmore, a soft blush covering Thea's cheeks.

Thea nodded, curled strands falling into her face, Alec gently brushed the curls out of her eyes, "The date or the kiss?"


"We definitely should,"

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