chapter eight!

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chapter eight! the snow in

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chapter eight! the snow in

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"Don't feel bad Mr Remmy is a really harsh marker,"
Thea smiled, scribbling some feedback for Rory's essay down onto a bright pink post-it,
"Even I gets the occasional bad grade in his class."

"He talks too fast, it's difficult to make notes," Rory grumbled, taking the post-it Thea had pushed towards her.

"Once you have him for a couple of years, you manage to keep up," Thea smiled, handing Rory back her essay and beginning her algebra homework that was due the next morning.

"Rory," Richard called out from the living room cutting the girls' conversation short,
"Are you in any way malnourished or in need of some international relief organization to recruit a celebrity to raise money on your account?"

"I'm good," Rory answered, looking up from the post-it note that Thea had scribbled some feedback for her essay on.

"She's good, Emily,"

"Your sense of humour rears its ugly head at the oddest of times, Richard," Emily snapped, Thea sighed pushing her homework away, knowing there was no chance she'd be able to complete it now.

"Emily, I am not the mastermind behind some great scheme to spoil your dinner plans, and I don't care to be treated as such," Richard grumbled, glancing up from the papers he had been reading.

"So you're fine with having no dinner tonight, is that it?" Emily asked, glaring down at her husband.

"I certainly am not,"

The twins rose from the dinner table, swiftly moving over to their grandparents in the living room, "Hey, how about I check the fridge? I'm sure there's something in there we could whip up."

"Whip up?" Emily asked, confused by her granddaughter's phrase.

"Yeah, come. It'll be fun, I promise," Rory smiled.

"Come on, Grandma, let Rory try. We have to eat something," Thea encouraged, hoping her grandmother would go along with Rory's plan.

"Well, come on, Mr We'll Figure It Out,"

• • • • • • •

"How is it?" Rory asked, looking between her grandparents as they tried the frozen pizza.

"Not cold!"

"Mm, it's quite tasty. Emily, we should have this more often," Richard nodded, moving to take a second bite of his pizza.

"What?" Emily cried, shocked by her husband's taste for the pizza.

"That would be great, Grandpa," Thea smiled, hating most of the fancy dinners her grandmother served.

"Perhaps instead of that horrible salmon that keeps showing up," Richard suggested, receiving a nod of agreement from Thea.

"Or those weird mushroom things," Thea nodded along with her grandfather, though she had been raised on her grandmother's extreme meals there was often things she would rather didn't appear on the dinner table.

"That salmon and those mushrooms are a fine delicacy," Emily snapped, shaking her perfectly curled head at Richard and Thea.

"Mm, po-tat-o, po-tah-to,"

"Try it again, Grandma. It's probably cooler now," Thea suggested, grasping her glass of water and lifting it to her lips.

"No, thank you, I'm fine,"

"You know? It's really good if you add some extra Parmesan to it," Rory explains, grating some of the extra cheese onto Emily's pizza, "This is Mom's special trick. Frozen pizza is a staple at our house.
Mom's become a major doctoring genius. She'll put anything on it. One time, Sookie came and brought us some foie gras, and Mom stuck it on a pizza."

"How was it?" Emily asked, her interest peaked at the mention if foie gra.

"Pretty good once we took the foie gras off,"

"Try it, please," Thea begged, placing her water glass back onto the table.

"If you wanna get really crazy, you can pick it up,"

"Well, all right. Here goes nothing," Emily sighed, taking a bite from the pizza, "That's wonderful."


"Rory, pass me that cheese,"

Emily moved over to Richard, grating some of the extra cheese onto his pizza,
"Trust me, it makes all the difference."

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