chapter nineteen!

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chapter nineteen! the interrupted evening

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chapter nineteen! the interrupted evening

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"This is the fourth ridiculous gathering you've dragged me to this week,"
Richard snapped, glaring down at his wife as she inspected his carefully assembled outfit.

"I'm the president of the board, Richard, I have to be there," Emily sighed, attempting to tie Richard's bow tie as he squirmed in front of her.

"Why does that mean we have to go?" Thea grumbled, standing exactly where her grandmother had demanded she stand.

"Thea," Emily scolded, searching her granddaughter's appearance for any problems.

"Saving the Berringiny Pansy. Whoever heard of such a thing?" Richard continued to complain, looking between his wife and granddaughter.

"It's a very rare flower, Grandpa, that is rapidly disappearing from the face of this earth," Thea answered, moving away from her grandmother to the foyer mirror and checking her perfectly curled hair.
"Still don't understand why we have to go."

"Well, who cares?" Richard grumbled, his arms flapping as his anger grew.

"As president of the horticultural society, I have to care," Emily snapped, carefully checking her appearance in the mirror. It was vital that every member of her family looked picture-perfect.

"The last thing I need is to spend four hours being bored out of my skull by the same people I'll be bored out of my skull by tomorrow night at the symphony fund-raiser," Richard continued on, brushing down his suit.

"I don't have to go to the symphony fund-raiser do I, Grandma?" Thea asked, rearranging her perfect curls to ensure that the necklace her grandparents had gifted her was on show.
The small gold heart locket had become part of Thea's everyday apparel not long after she'd been gifted it back years before.

"Which reminds me, we need to get your other tux back from the cleaners tomorrow," Emily added, not answering her granddaughter's question, which gave Thea the exact answer she needed. Thea was sure she'd return from school to a dress and shoes set out on her bed.

"I'll be dead tomorrow," Richard dramatically declared, shooting his granddaughter a smirk,
"I plan on flinging myself off the roof tonight right in the middle of Pittie Salinger's opening speech."

"Not in her concluding speech? That would be more dramatic," Thea added, shrinking under her grandmother's harsh gaze.


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