chapter fourteen!

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chapter fourteen! the parents' day

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chapter fourteen! the parents' day

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"That, my friends is the first verse of a poem by Emily Dickenson. Now read some of those tonight, and as you do, consider the fact that Emily Dickenson writes convincingly about passion and about the world in spite of the fact that she lived as a virtual recluse. It'll help you appreciate her mind," Mr Medina requests, just as the bell rang signalling the end of the period.

"I could listen to him talk about passion all day. Do you think he's dating anyone?" Madeline wonders, waiting for Louise to turn around.

"Of course he is," Thea answers, gathering her papers and carefully stacking them together.

"A teacher?"


"Why not?"

"Have you seen teachers?"

"He's a teacher," Madeline confusedly points out.

"Male teachers are different. They can still be mysterious," Thea explained, balancing her folder onto her waist, "I bet his girlfriend's pretty,"

"I bet she's dumb,"

"Why?" Paris asked, not following Louise's train of thoughts.

"Dumb girls crave smart men. It's the whole Marilyn Monroe-Arthur Miller syndrome," Louise explains, as the girls moved towards the door.

"I still think she's lucky,"

"Whoever he's dating is a loser, who doesn't care that he's a teacher in this ridiculous school making a ridiculous teacher's salary," Paris grumpily added, turning to face Rory, who had been eavesdropping on the girls' conversation, "What are you looking at?"

"Guess someone read the paper today,"

"I know, Paris' parents' divorce is getting very ugly!"

"She's been staying at my house every couple of nights to escape it," Thea sighed, watching Paris storm further down the corridor glaring at everyone that even looked at her.

"Her dad should've just paid her mom everything she wanted, and this whole thing would've been over,"

"That's what my dad did,"

"Hi," Louise smiled at Rory as they moved past her and further down the corridor.


"Is it true Paris' mom had the entire back of her body surgically reconstructed?"

"Well, it doesn't match the front now, does it?"

• • • • • • •

Thea strutted down the corridor of Chilton Preparatory, the blonde Geller by her side. The two discussing the French essay they had received back before their attention was pulled to a passing classroom.

"Is that your mother in there with Mr Medina?" Paris asks, gesturing to the adults joined together at the lips in the literature classroom, "Did you know about this?"

Thea froze in her place, her forest eyes focused on her mother's head of brunette curls that matched her own, shocked that Lorelai would do this to Rory. Do this to her, "Paris?"

"Of course you didn't, you would have told me," the Geller continued, grabbing Thea's hand and dragging her away from the classroom door.

"Wha-what should I do?" Thea panicked, tightening her grip on Paris' hand her breath catching in her throat.

"Tee, listen," Paris begged, trying to get Thea's attention focused on her and away from Lorelai, "Go to the library, okay? Stay there until lunch ends."

Thea nods her head, before taking off down the corridor towards the library.

Chilton library tended to be empty during lunch, many of the students opting to spend their lunch break in the canteen or out on the courtyard. Thea managed to slip into the library without much attention, making her way to the back of the library to her's and Paris' usual table.

The brunette dropped down into the chair, her rucksack falling to the floor with a soft thump. A heavy sigh left her painted lips, glancing around the library to see if anyone was looking at her,
"You've really screwed up this time, Lorelai,"

• • • • • • •

"Paris mentioned you were in here,"

The Gilmore glanced up from her novel, which had struggled to hold her attention, to see Alec standing in front of the table, an unknown item wrapped in a tissue resting in his palm, "I brought you cookies."

"So, you heard about Lorelai?" Thea asked, dropping her novel onto the desk.

"Yeah, Paris might have mentioned it to the whole canteen," Alec explained, taking a seat beside Thea, and placing the wrapped cookies  on the table, "Are you okay?"

"Oatmeal and raisin?" Thea wondered, reaching out for the wrapped bundle that lay between her and Alec.

"Thea, focus,"

"What's there to focus on?" Thea asked, unwrapping the cookies and inspecting the flavour.

"Your mom was caught kissing Mr Medina,"

"I'm aware, Alec, Paris and I found them," Thea snapped, dropping her oatmeal-raisin cookie back onto the tissue, "I didn't even know they were dating."

• • • • • • •

"See, I told you he wouldn't date a teacher," Thea laughed, moving over to where Rory sat reading, Madeline, Louise and Paris gathered around the younger Gilmore.

"I wish my mom would sleep with my teacher it would make mid-terms a lot easier," Paris joked, focusing her gaze on Rory.

"Wouldn't it just," Thea smirked, hugging her Latin textbook to her chest.

Rory slammed her book closed, standing up to face the Chilton girls, "Madeline, Louise, would you excuse us for a minute?"

Madeline and Louise glanced at Thea, waiting for her confirmation to leave her, Paris and Rory alone, "Ooh, catfight."


"You're not going to kiss me are you?" Paris snapped, her eyes burning into Rory's.

"What's wrong with you?" Rory snapped at the two girls.

"Nothing, I'm great,"

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