chapter eight!

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chapter eight! the confrontation

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chapter eight! the confrontation

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"Grandma please just tell me,"
Thea begged, stalking after her grandmother, who had been trying to shut her down since she had returned from cheer practice.

"Thea, you need to drop this," Emily sighed, stepping into the kitchen and pulling a carton of milk out of the large fridge.

"Why did you never tell me why she left?" Thea asked once more watching as her grandmother began to warm up the milk without a word, "Please Grandma."

Emily sighed, taking a step back from the boiling milk and focusing her attention back on her granddaughter. Tears welled in Thea's eyes as she waited for an answer. Richard and Emily had always hoped, prayed even that Thea would never ask why her mother had left her. In all honesty, they wouldn't have known what to tell her as they had never been able to understand why their daughter had abandoned such a beautiful baby.

"Thea, dear, go get changed out of your uniform while I make us some hot chocolate and we will see what we can find on the television," Emily suggested, gesturing to her granddaughter who still stood in her cheerleading uniform.

Thea reluctantly nodded knowing she was going to get nowhere with her grandmother on this subject. With one last glance at Emily, Thea headed out of the kitchen and instead of heading up to her room she quietly snuck out of the front door.

• • • • • • •

The wacky town of Stars Hollow filled Thea with an unusual feeling since she was only ever in the hectic, city environment of Hartford. Thea had only stepped foot in the small town a handful of times and it had never been as quiet as it was now.

The teen had found herself pulled towards Luke's the minute she'd stepped off the bus. A diner her mother and twin sister frequented. The lights inside the beloved diner were out, but the lights in the apartment above gave Thea faith that someone was inside.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Thea called out, banging her paled fist against the glass-panelled door of Luke's.

Heavy snow fell around the brunette, coating the moonlight streets of Stars Hollow. Droplets of snow mixed with the tears that streamed down Thea's pale cheeks. The grey cheerleading hoodie she'd pulled on as she fled the Gilmore mansion now sticking to her damp skin.

The glass door snapped open, revealing an irritated dark-haired boy, his scowl softening at the heartbroken girl in front of him.

The boy's dark hair seemed to fall across his face, almost blocking his vision. His hardened gaze seemed to soften as his eyes landed on the broken Gilmore in front of him. Thea recognised the boy from the Bracebridge Dinner as Jess, the boy she had spoken with before the dinner had started.

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