chapter seventeen!

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chapter seventeen! the visit from god

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chapter seventeen! the visit from god

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"Everyone's awfully quiet tonight,"
Emily scoffed, dropping her fork down onto her plate and looking over at the younger Gilmores in front of her.

"Sorry, Mom, I'm just tired,"

"Me too - school," Rory excused.

"It's been a long week, Grandma," Thea apologises, stabbing one of her potatoes.



"Dig it, man,"

"Peace out, Humphrey,"

"Mystery. Well, this is just ridiculous. Four intelligent women sitting here in complete silence. There must be something to talk about. Do you know that every night at dinner the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun?" Emily quizzed, hoping the girls would pick up on her hints,

"They would quiz each other about current events, historical facts, intellectual trivia. Now the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the Kennedy's so come on - somebody - say something."

"Do you know that butt models make $10,000 a day?" Lorelai asked, her eyes focused on her mother for her reaction.

"Camelot is truly dead," Emily sighed, shaking her head at her daughter's crudeness.

"Emily!" Richard called out, as he walked through the house towards the dining room.

"In here, just follow the crickets," Emily grumbled once more.

"I am sorry I'm late, but I come bearing wonderful news," Richard beamed, taking his seat at the head of the table, across from his wife's usual spot.

"Siri, bring Mr Gilmore a plate!" Emily cried out, following Richard to his seat, fussing over her husband.

"I just got off the phone," Richard started to explain his supposedly wonderful news.

"Would you like to change first?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine. So I -"

"Siri, Mr Gilmore is hungry!" Emily called out once more, dripping her husband's napkin over his lap.

"Emily, I am perfectly capable of putting a napkin on my lap," Richard brushed off.

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