chapter twenty!

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chapter twenty! the end of term

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chapter twenty! the end of term

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"When's the Tony's ceremony?"
a deep voice asked, pulling Thea's attention away from her game of Tetris with her locker.

Thea smiled and spun around finding Alec standing there. The Harrington smiled at the perfect girl in front of him, a small bouquet of long-stemmed red roses in his hand. A glittery white ribbon wrapped the roses together keeping them in perfect formation.

"Alec, they're beautiful," Thea gleamed accepting the roses the boy had presented her with.

Alec had a habit of always presenting her with flowers after each of her performances, whether it be dance or musical theatre. He'd started this tradition back when they were about six or seven.

"I couldn't find you last night after the performance ended," Alec admitted, an apologetic smile crossing his face as he watched the girl pull the gift card from the flowers.

"I'm so sorry, my Grandma had arranged for us to go out for a dinner, you know what she's like about punctuality," the brunette admitted, turning and gently placing the flowers into her locker the gift card remaining in her hand, "She didn't give me a chance to come to find you."

"I just wanted to let you know that you were amazing last night," Alec smiled, brushing his dark hair out of his eyes,
"But then again you're always amazing."

Thea blushed, glancing down at her patent shoes, "I'm glad you came, I always look for you in the audience."

"Always be there in the front row," the Harrington smiled, Thea glanced up at him gently kissing his cheek before stepping back.

"Thank you for the beautiful flowers, but I have to go find Madeline and Louise," Thea apologised, turning to face her locker once more and gently closing the metal door.

Thea smiled at Alec one last time before heading down the corridor to find the set of girls, who had once again requested the Gilmore's help.

• • • • • • •

"Hey, Madeline, I've got the notes you wanted,"
Rory raced towards the three girls, waving the biology notes she'd brought for Madeline in her arms. The three girls glanced at each other, rolling their eyes at the eager Gilmore.

"No, thanks," Madeline dismissed, waving the girl away and speeding up so the three could escape the older Gilmore.

"No, these are the ones you asked for. The biology notes from Tuesday. The other day you said you..." Rory continued, chasing after the girls.

"No, thanks," Madeline once again repeated.

"But- what's wrong with her?" Rory asked, turning to face her twin, hoping she'd provide her with an answer, "Thea?"

"Nothing's wrong with her, Mary," Thea simply answered, "There's something wrong with you."

"Mary? Oh no, not this Virgin Mary thing again,"

"Not virgin, typhoid," Thea spat before strutting away from the Stars Hollow girl,
into the main building of the prep school. Rory trailed behind her twin, bumping into Paris once again. The voices of Paris and Rory echoed behind her as they continued to argue.

"I don't have time for things like concerts anyway. I'm already lining up my extracurriculars for next year," Thea heard Paris state as she and Rory moved into the building, the blonde crossing her arms.
Earlier, Tristan had been boasting to the Geller about how he was taking Rory to a concert that evening. Unfortunately for Rory, Paris still had deep feelings for Tristan hence the retaliation.

"By the way, are you still going out for school paper?" Paris asked, venom dripping from her words.

"You know I am,"

"You're going to need a faculty recommendation," Paris stated, knowing she held all of the power over Rory.

"I think I can swing it," Rory rolled her eyes, unsure what the Geller was insinuating.

"And the support of the student editor,"

"I'm not worried,"

"Worry. I just got the job," Paris announced, a smirk crossing her features.

"Oh, congratulations." Rory panicked, her mind conjuring all the bad things Paris could do.

"Thank you. And don't worry, you'll have some role. How's covering the new parking lot landscaping sound?" Paris sarcastically asked, a smirk forming on her pink lips as she formed ways to make Rory's time on the paper hell.


"Yeah. Well, gotta go," Paris dismissed moving away from the Stars Hollow Gilmore, to where Thea was waiting for her on the bottom stair, Madeline and Louise stood further up the stairs waiting for them.
Rory gulped her eyes focused on the group of friends, who glared harshly at her.

"Have a really good summer,"

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