chapter five!

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chapter five! the outburst

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chapter five! the outburst

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"Decent effort by most.
Good effort by some, exceptional effort by three. Miss Geller, Miss Gilmore. Miss Grant,"
Mr Medina announced, striding through the rows of desks, dropping Thea's paper on her desk, a bright A+ circled at the top,

"Take these home, learn from your mistakes. Look at the large red circles around various parts of your paper as a friendly reminder that to err is human. And that here at Chilton we try to beat that humanity right outta ya!"

"OK, next up. The test-the dreaded test. Shakespeare! The man we've been droning on about for the last three weeks finally comes back to haunt us on Friday. This is a big one my friends-multiple choice with an essay section that will count for 20% of your grade for this semester. And don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality. This test will be hard, and there will be no makeups."

The end of period bell rings, pulling the students' attention from Mr Medina to leaving the classroom for their next period. Thea sweeps up her notebook and her returned paper, moving over to Paris.

"Hard paper,"


"How'd you do?" Paris asked, turning to face the blonde.


"Me too," Paris nodded, pulling her belongings to her chest.

"Oh, small world," Louise smiled, before looking over to Thea, "What about you, Thea?"

"A+," Thea smiled, flashing the marked paper to her friends, the combination of her eidetic memory and Paris many lectures about the proper structure of essays leading to her perfect grade.

"Madeline, what'd you get?"

"You know I got a B," the raven-haired girl mumbled, glancing down at her patent shoes.

"A 'B' is not bad," Thea sympathetic placed her hand on Madeline's arm, "I can help you improve that before the exam."

"Oh, not at all,"

"Respectable even,"

"I'd be proud. A 'D' however, that would be cause for concern," Paris snarked, glancing at Rory who hung behind, ashamed of her grade.

"I'd never be able to improve that," Thea shuck her head, slotting her marked paper into her notebook.

"A cry for help,"

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