Chapter 23

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"Wow. Look at that. It suits you honey." Lussuria said as soon as Suzuki walked out of her bathroom as she tried the uniform Lussuria gave her.

"But why skirt?" She asked. Its not that she hates skirt but she was just feeling uncomfortable.

"Hmm? Do you prefer pants or shorts?" Lussuria asked. He thought that it suits Suzuki but he also thought that maybe skirt may be uncomfortable for her.

He gave her the Varia uniform when they returned to Vongola Mansion that night. Lussuria was so enthusiastic to make the uniform just for her as he was the one who kept bugging Xanxus to recruit her into the family. He told his boss that, "You can never see anyone like her, Bossu. So please recruit her already." With a little approval coming from Belphegor and Squalo as they also refer her to Xanxus.

After Xanxus told everyone earlier that he recruits her into joining his Family, Lussuria immediately requested Suzuki's sizes so that he can immediately do her uniform.  And now, just after dinner, Lussuria went to her room to give her her uniform.

"Um. I prefer shorts than skirts." She said while fixing her short length skirt. She really prefer longer skirt. Her Namimori Middle  uniform's skirt was longer than the usual length for girls that is why she prefer shorts or longer skirt. But in this Varia uniform, longer skirt is not suitable. She may look like a gangster. She smiled at herself thinking about it.

Lussuria noticed her chuckles as Suzuki was fixing her skirt.

"Is something wrong Suzuki-chan~?"

"I just thought that if I have longer skirt, I may look like an Anee-san." She said making Lussuria thought the same.

Anee-san is what people call a female boss of a Yakuza in Japan. That is why Lussuria also thought that maybe she will be called that. That also made him chuckled.

"Mou, Suzuki-chan. Shorts it is." He said whole he chuckled. Suzuki just nodded with a smile on her face. But then she remembered that she was still a student.

"Nee, Lussuria-san." She called out making Lussuria look towards her.

"Mou, just call me Luss-nee already because we are now family." He said with a little excitement. Suzuki just smiled at him and nodded.

"Okay then, Luss-nee. I was just wondering. I am still a student in Namimori and will be returning to Japan the day after tomorrow, so I probably won't be with you here in Italy. Is it really okay for me to be one of your Family?" She asked as she sat on her bed. Lussuria sat besides her.

"You know, you can be whatever you want to be. But we certainly want you to be part of our Family. We once had a Cloud Guardian but we lost them. And now that you came, we can never find anyone like you. So that's why, we will going wait for you to return. The Varia headquarters will now become your home here Italy." He said and smiled at her. Suzuki also just smiled at him.

"Then I will return." She said that made Lussuria nod at her.

"Ah. I just remembered."

"What is it, Suzuki-chan?"

"My real name is Liza."

"Eh?" Suzuki just nodded at him.

"I just used Suzuki Risa as my name in Japanese but my real Italian name is Elizabeth Alicein Benirotti. The Ninth probably know it already." She said. Lussuria was surprised to know her identity in which he remembered a murdered victim whose surname was also Benirotti.

At their very first mission when Xanxus succeeded his position as Varia boss, they were given a mission to assassinate a group of people who are notorious serial killers. They kill anyone who they like to kill. And that unfortunate time, they witnessed a murder of a small family of three. The parents had died while they are protecting their daughter. Fortunately, the daughter survived and was given to an orphanage by them. And then after that incident, they never saw the daughter again. Lussuria was wondering what happened to the dear girl.

"Luss-nee? Is something wrong? You were silent." Suzuki asked the older one. Lussuria turned to her.

"Nee, this question might be confusing or might trigger your childhood, but did you lived in an orphanage?"

Without any doubt and uncertainty, Suzuki nodded her head. Lussuria widen his eyes although it can't be seen because he is wearing his usual sunglasses.

"Where?" He asked again. He was definitely be happy if she is the girl he was thinking she is.

"Antico Orfanotrofio." Lussuria was so glad he met her again. He hugged Suzuki tightly, as he was caressing a lonely cat on the streets.

Suzuki was surprised at his actions but didn't object. She thought that maybe Lussuria just thought something touching. She returned his hug.

"Mou...I'm just so happy to have you in our family." Lussuria said as he break away from her.

The following hours, they just story telling about their lives and missions they had had in the past.



Name: Elizabeth Alicein Benirotti
Japanese Name: Suzuki Risa
Age: 15
Birthplace: Caccamo, Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Birthdate: August 13
Affiliation: A.F.O. Inc. (Alfredo Fastidiosa Organization) FORMER

Hair Color: Ebony Black (Waist length)
Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Weapon use: Knives, guns, sniper riffle
Flame attribute: Storm, Mist, Cloud
Main Flame: Cloud


Petite, slender body of a girl. She has an IQ of 195. She has an ability to see up to 50 meter just by her naked eye. Her ability to zoom-in in a distance is an advantage to her self as she is able to shoot anyone even if she doesn't use a sniper riffle. She is an ambidextrous as she can both use her left and right hands on anything at the same time. She is also expert in hand to hand combat. She can speak 10 languages fluently: English, Filipino, French, German, Hangul, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Mandarin and Spanish.


Xanxus was re-reading the first page of his new member's profile while he put former on her affiliation because she is now a member of his family. He was still hasn't believe that it was that girl who was about to die in that incident 11 years ago. He was actually amused to see a new ability and skill that added to his chaotic and strong family members.

He was still thinking if he should see her skill first hand in her battle against a hundred King Moscas or give her her first mission. But he remembered that she was still a student in Japan and needs to return the day after tomorrow.

Xanxus closed the folder of her profile and put it in the cabinet under his table in his office in the Varia headquarters. He drank the tap wine of his glass at hit table and slumped back on his chair. He was just enjoying his peaceful late evening as he turned to the wall clock beside the door of his office reading 12:34 in the midnight. He sighed and finished his wine and left his office. He walked around the headquarters silently as he was listening to whoever talking this late night. Maybe being busy training or something. His underlings and new recruits under his other subordinates are probably asleep by now. All of his guardians are also was asleep this late night. He decided to turn to his room for his better sleeping position than sleeping on his high throne in his office.

He opened his door and closed it silently. Xanxus approached his bed and laid down without even changing his clothes. And then after a little while, he was now starting to get sleepy. He sat up on his bed and removed his shoes and jacket and litter it on his floor. He laid down again on his bed and got a peaceful sleep.

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