Chapter 36

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"Hime?" Bel muttered as he saw their cloud guardian on the floor, laying on her back as her arms and legs are spread like she was making a snow angel. Bel was surprised to see her in the middle of dead bodies from the enemy's men. He flashed his usual grin, looks like he doesn't need to be worried. He heard a laugh coming from her direction and saw her laughing like a psycho.

"Damn that was lit!" She muttered sing-songly as she recalled how she soothe Risa earlier and she came out and fought the enemies instead. She ran towards them excitedly and laughing psychotically with her knife with the Botulinum Toxin flowing on its blade as she slash and stabs whoever tried to attack her. Her agility to dodge and precise kicking and attacking certainly saved her body, adding the use of her cloud flames on her guns as she shoot them with multiplied bullets raining onto her enemies. And at her last attack, she put out a hand grenade and threw it to destroy many men as she laid down on the floor and hid using her mist flame. After the explosion, she came out from her mist barrier and saw smoke from the huge explosion. She smirked in victory.

"Shishishi Alice-chan, having fun?" He flashed his usual smirk as soon as he approached her. She stopped laughing for a moment and gave him a look. She gave him her psychotic smile and continued to laugh. Bel wasn't that pleased but he just kept silent thinking that the others are also this displeased when he was in that phase sometimes, now he knows.

"Excuse my laugh thy Demon King Belphegor, sin of sloth." She started.

"Shishishi indeed I am but a prince. Boss is the king I declare." Alice just smirked at his reply.

"I was just so happy that I finally relieve my stress and take part on Liza's displease and hatred roaming around this freaking Mansion. I don't feel a thing for them anyways and they were so easy to take down. It is just sad that my dear Niccolo was on that state but I know he will forgive us if we dirtied our hands just to avenge him." Bel's lips turned thin as he remembered her state earlier. If Suzuki doesn't have Dissociative Identity Disorder, she won't be able to be talked to right now, well that's also the case because her other persona is the one he was talking to but not Suzuki Risa herself. But right now, he doesn't have to worry about her because Alice was taking care of her inside their mind.

"What the..."

Bel and Alice turned to the entrance and saw their Boss, Squalo and Levi who just arrived and dumbfounded to the scene before their eyes.

"Tch. The fun's already over?" Squalo muttered and they approached the two.

"Squ-chan! Xanxan! Lev! Hi! You're late! You missed the party!" Alice greeted them, extremely lively making the trio realize that it's Alice that they were talking to and not their usual Cloud guardian.

"How's Risa-san?" Levi A Than muttered as he was quite worried about their Cloud. Yeah, it doesn't seen on his face, being looked like an old man but he also have a soft side. He was once called pedo because of that but he isn't. He just cared.

"Well~~ she's sleeping. You know she needs rest." Alice affirmed. She just sat cross-legged on the floor as soon as the trio entered.

Xanxus examined their surroundings and frown. He looked at his cloud guardian.

"Is this your doing?" He asked making her nod her head.

"Un! You know, Liza and I are team and we need each other's back when dealing with something big as this. I am on the close combat while she always wanted an easily work thus working with her riffle. So Xanxan, are you still unsatisfied to your chosen cloud guardian?" Alice asked her Boss seriously. Xanxus looked down on her and slowly looking at her directly as he level  his eyesight in an acute angle. Then he smirked.

"Not bad and never in the slightest that I felt unsatisfied about your skills as one sharing one body. You two will be one of my most skilled guardians." He declared making Alice smile the brightest. Levi smiled a little as he close his eyes while Squalo and Belphegor smirked.

"They are already are, stupid Boss." Squalo countered making Xanxus glared at him.

"Squ-chan! Squ-chan!" Alice called their second in command as she stood up.

"What?" Squalo replied as he approached her. Due to their height gap, Squalo leaned in to her as she position herself to whisper at him.

"How do you spell Xanxus?" She whispered. Squalo looked at her confusedly but told her anyway.

"Take out the x's." She muttered and gave him a smirk. Squalo froze and realized then he burst out laughing.

Bel who was a little closer chuckled his undeniably unique laugh while Xanxus and Levi were just watching them like they were crazy trashes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Xanxus asked as he was beginning to get irritated.

"Let's go home, Boss." They stopped laughing and turned to her. They gave her a smile. Looks like their cloud guardian is not the type of person who will mope around just because of depression. That made her a strong woman.

"Let's go home, Hime." And then they left the Fastidiosa Mansion that was burning on the outside and was slowly engulfing the whole forest surrounding it including the dead and unconscious bodies laying around.


"Welcome back!"  Greeted the kids and the teens at the Vongola Mansion. Squalo looked at the Ninth who was smiling at them, totally happy that they came back safe and unhurt. The Ninth totally took his word too seriously.

Fran who was also waiting for them to arrived ran towards Suzuki and hugged her tight. She halt and smiled at what he did. She knelt down and hugged him properly.

"We're back." She whispered on his ears.

"Little Fran never do that to me, I swear." Everyone turned to Mukuro Rokudo the moment he said that.

"Hm? But nii-sama, Fran always hug me." Chrome replied making him turn to her.

"Un! Me too! Fran-chan always hug us." Haru and Kyoko seconded.

"He did too."


"Haha I am too."

"Tch. Duh."

"Well, me too."

Mukuro just looked at them and turned to Fran who was still clinging onto Suzuki. He just bleep on him making Mukuro irked.

"Kufufufu may I??" He muttered as he materialize his trident, ready to strike Fran's apple hat.

"No way. Risa-nee, help me. Pineapple-san's going to attack me."

"Your tone doesn't express your line." Mukuro muttered.

"Oh come on Pineapple-sensei, are you a kid just because you didn't got a hug? Why don't you hug Fran instead?" Suzuki Risa advised.

"Oh you need a hug? Then..." Yamamoto muttered and gave Mukuro Rokudo a hug. Tsunayoshi also did pulling Gokudera and Hibari for pete's sake who is unamused. Chrome gave him a hug too and so on making them a bundle of kids. The Varia and Ninth just stared at them. Squalo and Bel were smirking at them.

Mukuro was glaring at Suzuki who just shrugged while smiling at them. He's glaring like 'This is all your fault.' in which Suzuki just smiled.

"Oh, finally you came back." Reborn greeted them who just approached them at the main entrance.

"What the hell are you all doing?" Reborn questioned as he noticed the 10th guardians being a bundle hugging each other.

"Hugging?" Tsuna answered questioningly that made Reborn rolled his eyes and just ignored them.

"Your friend is not in critical condition anymore. Good thing that Lussuria was able to give him first aid."

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