Chapter Three

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It had been a day since you and the other passengers got trapped in the cave. Supplies like food and water were starting to run thin and more people were getting sick. You didn't know if you would survive, but death wasn't a choice, was it? You promised Wilbur that he and everyone else would make it out alive, so you had to keep the promise, no matter what.

You and Wilbur sat next to the monorail for peace and quiet and chatted about plans on ways to preserve the supply you still had left over. But it there was too many people, around 50 people. The food was running way to short, but you didn't want to give up and continued to plan and think. Wilbur on the other hand was willing to give up his food and water supply, in which you said no without hesitation.

Suddenly, you and Wilbur heard shouting and headed to it quickly. There you saw a boy running towards you with most of the food and water shouting something, I want to survive.

As he came closer to you, you shoved him down and trapped him. He stared at you with a horrified look on his face and tried to break free, but you didn't let him, "You want to survive? You won't make it a day." You said relentlessly.

"How would you know!? Your just trying to take everything yourself, aren't you!? What makes you the boss of everyone!?"

I continued to glare at him while he shook.

"You want to blame us for everything, go ahead. But DO NOT put everyone at risk of death." Wilbur snapped at the boy who looked at him. Wilbur then grabbed all of the stuff on the floor and carefully placed it back at the main area.

"HEY, WAIT! THAT'S MY STUFF!" They boy shouted at Wilbur and finally managed to shove me away. He ran towards Wilbur before being held down by two of the other passengers. "GIVE THAT STUFF BACK!"

You stand up and walk to the boy still shouting at Wilbur and kneel, glaring at him.

"What happened to the portion of food we gave you like the rest of the others?" You ask him, he looks back at you and clenches his teeth.


"And what says you wont just eat all of that food you were about to steal in a couple of days? What then? You'd starve just like you would of made the rest of us starve." He glares at you and opens his mouth to speak but freezes. You scoff at him, "Nothing to say? That's was I thought."

You thank the two guys who were pinning them down and walk to Wilbur who is making sure to secure the stuff. He notices you walking towards him and walks over to you, "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, that guy was a pain in the ass, lets hope that no one else tries to steal." You let out a long sigh and look around at everyone who is chatting. "Do you, uhm, no how long we've been stuck here for?"

He looks at you and sighs, "I think around six days. Almost a full week."

"Why haven't we been saved, yet? Shouldn't they have found us?" You asked, your voice a little shaky. He looks at you and puts a hand on  your shoulder and smiles at you.

"Hey, don't lose hope, yet. Okay? Your the one whose supposed to be positive!"

You gaze into his eyes which are determined, and smile back at him, "Your right, sorry." You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "I just thought of something, you think there's a phone here? I'm sure that at least one is still usable."

He stares at you, his eyes widened and a sparkle of hope flashes in his eyes, "Your right! Come one! We've got to start looking!"

You and Wilbur start searching for any device, but you can't seem to find any working ones. Once you've searched fully searched the monorail you climb down the rope feeling disappointed, but see Wilbur running up to you holding something. You realize he's holding a single phone with a cracked screen. You run up to him.

"You found one!? Where!?" You smile excitedly.

"It was on the floor of side of the monorail!"

"Well, what are you waiting for! Call 911!"

He turns on the phone and presses emergency but a no signal sign comes up. You and him stare at the phone in total shock before your flooded with disappointment. Our only hope was lost, no signal? Of course! Were in the middle of no where! Why would there be signal!? You turn and sit down. Wilbur looks at you and sits down beside you.

"I guess that didn't work..."

"You think? God, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes high."

"Well, it was worth a try right? Do you wanna try to record something? That doesn't take signal." He asks you and turns on the phone putting it to photos. You look at it and sigh.

"I don't think that I'm in the mood."

Wilbur nods and walks away with the phone. You watch him walk away and lay down to think. It was a long day and you hadn't eaten in three days. Why was this happening to you? Why was this happening to anyone, no one deserved this. Did they? You continued to think about all the things you had done before, how you had gotten amazing grades and attended a prestigious school. How you had gotten multiple jobs that had a high pay and respected people. Respected people. Had I been nice to people? I criticized people and judged them. Maybe I did deserve this, I was a horrible person, even with all that I achieved. No, I don't deserve this! Maybe we all deserved this, I mean that boy earlier definitely deserved this, he was going to steal all the supplies and make everyone else starve! No, no one deserves. I think I just need some rest, for sure.

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