Beauty Hurts, Alot

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Chapter 4


Aww, this has been the highlight of the day. Laying in a bubble bath after being de-haired by my wacky prep team which always have something to say. I've been in this so called Remake Center for what seems like a whole day. The pink haired one which is Floom, wanted to get every hair on my body one by one. While the blue haired one, Zine polished my nailes to perfection, and Irl just supervised. Because apparently my stylist would be embarressed to just look at me. Yes, I looked pretty to all of them at first then they just wanted to rip me apart. Yet I not once complained because after all they are helping me, but I cant help the relieve I fell that they finally left me alone to atleast have a bubble bath for a couple of minutes. But of course it doesn't last long.

The door flyes open and its Floom "Hunnnny, your stylist is ready to see you" she said in her high pitch voice that the whole capital seems to have, and hands me a towel. Just to dry off then the towel is taken from me. The door slowly opens this time to reveal a man that doesnt look at all crazy like I imagened. He was wearing a variety of diiferent shades of purple all over his clothes and a sincere smile that made me gaze at it, and his brown hair and brown eyes that looked so warm. Hes the person with the most style I've seen in this Capital. Right now im just hoping that hes not thinking about putting me and Jess in fish costumes. "Hello Lidia I am Auirus your stylist" he said while walking up to get a better look at me.

He extended his hand for me to shake it and I do. Then he pull me into a hug and whispers in my ear "dont worry you and your brother will look great" then he pulls back laughing because the whispering made me flinch. "Dont worry it wont be anything like fish suites" he says. Now with him just saying that I get paranoid like always. "Lets get started" he said while handing me another towel.

He startes with my hair, my dull black hair. He moves it around in every direction until finally he said "I just wish I could trim it alittle". "Go ahead I dont mind" I say, then he laughs his graceful laugh "Of course you dont, but I want you to look excactly like Panem has already seen you". I think it wouldn't make much of a difference, all the Capital wants to see is us fight like wild dogs. The next couple of minutes Auirus just stares at me making different faces. Oh great, he cant even find what to do with me either! Until he finally speaks "Mhm I know what to do now". I wait a second not actually thinking I had to ask him so he could tell me.

"What" I say "Im going to curl the tips, trim alittle of your bangs and put a headband to keep them apart from eachother". REALLY?!?!?! I could have done that well not the curling part atleast. After a while Auirus bents down and whispers in my ear "don't you look beatiful" and hands me a mirror. I actual looked good, well I've always looked sorta good but my mom always called me ugly which didnt help that I has self-esstem issues back then. But this time my hair is curled perfectly I have light blue eyeshadow on and pale pink lipstick.

I turn to Auirus and say "thank you" he smiles back at me. I think im starting to like him more. He grabbes my hand and we start to walk to another room "its time to get u dressed". We go into a room with 3 mirrors all standing together and over to a corner on a hanger is a bag of what can only be my dress. "Close your eyes" Auirus says I close my eyes and hear the zipper of the bag go down. "Dont open your eyes im help you in it and when im done you can open them" he said as he helped me in it. There was alot of turning and moving and at one point I felt something cold like water on my skin.

We walked a distance over to what I believe is the mirrors "open your eyes now" Auirus says. I open them to find what i first thing of as the ocean, a dress that reaches my knees withb all different shades of blues some of them deep and others getting shine as if the sun was shining on the sea. Around my arms and legs was blue pant fading as it made it closer to the dress with different turns and directions as if to be waves and fish. On my feet are sandals a dark blue that laces up to my ankles.

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