The Memories With The Interview

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Chapter 8         

“No” I scream into my pillow “It’s too early for this!”

“It is not” Finnick said “you have to get ready for your interview.”

The dang Interview is today. Finnick pulls the covers off my bed and I hang on to the bed. My hope for sleep came late. And now I was awakened to my last day before I get into that arena to fight. Then Jess runs into the room and pulls me by my feet out of the bed. He slings me over his shoulder and we walk into a private room. He throws me on the couch and sits down next to me. I pull the hairs that got in my mouth away from my face as Finnick sits down infront of us.

“Ok” he says “First thing to do is pick out your angles, there’s a lot of them but only some will fit you.”

I stare daggers at him; really u woke me up for this?  But it must be important so I try to pay attention as Finnick addresses Jess first. “I think the best angle for you, Jess is sincere and charming” he said “It always gets sponsors”. Jess smiles as if he already knew he was all those things. Finnick says “you already look like you love your sister a lot which gives u both some angle but everyone will be using that one so let try to find something different”. Jess was still grinning, I don’t like the interviews it’s like you have to act like someone different to get your sponsors.

Finnick grabs Jess by the shoulders “Jess, I believe in you I know you can do this”. He looked at Jess in away as if that was his son.  It was special. That lead me to ask him “do you have kids, Finnick”. He stared over at me as if he just noticed I was there “yea, I have a beautiful wife named Annie and a son named Finnick Jr.” he said with the memorize looming in his eyes. After that there was a silence that filled the room for a while. Until it was broken by Finnick “ok, it’s your turn Lidia” he said “I’ve been thinking long and hard about your angle. I stare at him expecting him to tell me what my angle would be.

“But, I couldn’t find one so we’re going to have to wing it” he said with a smile.

Now winging it sounds like me, but I really don’t think he’s going to let me do that. Is he? “That’s it” I say. He shakes his head “I just want you to be yourself, people already love that” he said. People loved me? Was I already lovable? I wasn’t anything special so far. What had I done that been so likable? For some reason the thought of even those capital freaks liking me made me disgusted. But who was I to judge, let’s just roll with it and see if I get ahead in the games.

“Ok” said Finnick “Its time to get you two beautiful for the interview”

Then he pushed us out the door and we run straight into Auirus and Pavel. They grab us by our shoulders and take us each in one direction. We head down the hall and turn the corner and there goes my wacky Prep Group. Oh God. They run to me, I guess they wanted me to run to them also like in those shows, but I didn’t. They gather around me touching my hair and face and examining my nails.

“OMG” said Floom “We have some serious work to do”.  Then Zine jumps in “I know right, just LOOK at these nails”. And of course you couldn’t leave Irl out of the conversation “Than we better get started”

I’m dragged to the styling place so they can “work” on me. They keep me away from the mirrors saying it would be a surprise what I would look like. I wasn’t even allowed to look at the dress, or at least I think it’s a dress. I spend a long time there as Zine re-polish my nails and pain them a see through blue that seem to glitter. Then they went on with my hair which they put in semi-curls and left my straight bangs to the side and separated it with a braid that started from my right ear and ended on my left side which then turned into curls. They finally got started on my make-up which they said they wouldn’t use a lot of it or make it too dark.

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