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Chapter 11

I stand up in a rush and run to the edge and look out. No use I can't see Darling or Will. Now that I think about it if I can hear them from all the way up hear I wonder who else hear her scream. There goes that panic again as I rush to climb down. Climbing has never been my best especially not now that I'm in a hurry. I get to a ledge away from rocks to climb down from. My only option is to jump. I run and jump making it to the other rocks, but one breaks under my shoe. I fall all the way down to the bottom and land hard. It knocks the wind out of me. I stay there for a minute while my limbs try to react again and the pain in my back subsides with the snow on the ground.

I would stay there all day, but then there it goes again the ear piercing shriek of terror from Darling. My energy comes back, and I get up checking for anything broken and make sure I have all my things. I run fast dodging every tree almost tripping over my own feet, and the snow. I feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. Then to my left I hear a voice say “did you hear something”. I stop dead in my tracks and look around no one in sight, but they sound close. I tip toe to the nearest bush and hide behind it. Two tributes walk from behind a tree looking pretty bad themselves “This is where the sound came from” said the girl. She looks around her eyes lock on the bush I hide in.

I feel my breath stop as she keeps on staring at the bush. Then the boy, most likely her brother said “It was probably just that other girls screaming” he notices his sister isn't paying any attention “You should pay more attention to finding food and water since we have nothing” he said his voice rising higher. The girl just keeps on staring and her eyes narrow she walk closer, but then her brother grab her wrist and pulls are away into the distance. I breath again and listen to hear if there gone. No noise. She's sharp I'm going to have to take care of that later I think. Something they said comes back to me, and its obvious that they heard Darling screams too.

Maybe they were close to it, so I head in the direction they came from. I feel like I'm running at the speed of light until I hear some soft sobs I stop. I walk slowly over to a tree where the noise comes from, and there behind it is an unconscious Will. I get closer to see he has a giant bleeding bite mark that takes up half of his leg and three scratches going down his chest. Then I hear running behind me and I turn around fast to see Darling running at me with Wills sword. I take out my sword in a rush as she reaches me I dodge the first slash that aimed for my head, but it was clear the sword was to heavy for her as she dropped it. I run up to her and point my sword at her neck.

Then she starts to cry hysterically “Please don't hurt us anymore” she said. I put my sword down “I'm not here to hurt you, what happened?” I asked her. She looked up at me in complete terror “This monster that looked like a tribute just attacked us an-and it started to change it had big sharp teeth like a sharks, but these awful long claws” she said. I felt my limbs turn to jelly as she described this monster. I sat down next to her and started patting her back as I looked out into the night sky. It was getting late their going to start the anthem soon and after that the Careers will start to hunt. I slowly get up and hold my hand out to Darling “Come on, we have to get somewhere safe” I said.

She takes my hand and we walk over to Will. “Do you think he'll be okay” asked Darling. I don't know how to answer that so instead I ask “do you guys have a pack”. She hands me a little brown pack and I open it to find down at the bottom some bandages. I take them and wrap them around the bleeding teeth marks on Will's legs and the scratch marks on his chest. That would hold him for right now. I grab his body and put him in a sitting position then I knee down and put his arm around my shoulder and lift him up. I stagger as I stand up. He was heavier than I had expected. I turn back to Darling “did you see any low caves while you were over here” I ask her. She nods and starts walking as I follow behind her.

We head to the cave on the left of the arena. The farther from the Careers the better. Jess I'm hoping is okay, and that Witch Glimmer hasn't done anything to him. As I look at Will I think If some one ever did that to Jess I would be on them in seconds. I'm brought back to reality as Darling said “We're here”. I look up to see a dark cave, perfect. This will keep us hidden, and I remember seeing a lantern in Darling's pack. She takes it out and we walk to the back of the cave. Just as we sit down Will starts to react again, of course not that well. I look around the empty cave and I hear my stomach growl and then an echo from the cave. I go back to my own pack and nibble on some of the beef jerky.

As it got darker the colder it became, so we started a little fire. Then finally the the anthem played I walked out to the opening of the cave. No faces in the sky tonight. That means there’s still 20 of use left. I pick up some snow from the outside, and walk back to Darling, and Will who was now conscious. “Who's out” he asked me I shake my head no. I stop in front of him and hold my hand out “Alliance” I said. He shakes my hand and its official. I drop the snow into the small fire and it goes out. “I'll take the first watch” I said, “You and darling get some sleep” he shakes his head and lays down next to Darling. I take my blanket out and face the entrance of the cave. Ready for anything.


Hey, Awsome people well it took me forever to upload because the first time I wrote it got erases. And I know its kind of short but aleast its something, Right? Well got a bunch of other things planed out >:D

Fan,Vote,COMMENT <3


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