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A shriek gets stuck in the middle of my throat when my name is said after that I try to calm myself, but my hands starts to have a spasm moving everywhere and in every way. The people start to move out my way as I make my way to the stage now hyperventilating. Jess makes it to the steps at the same time I do but unlike me his face is expressionless and stiff. We take the stage that looks over the crowd and there faces pained even though some of them dont know us just the though of siblings fighting gets everyone to feel bad for us. Liz announces our names to the audience " Your tributes Lidia and Jess Arrelo"

She signals for us to shake hands, Jess extends his hand to me but I dont take it instead I take him in a tight embrace, He embraces me back and all you hear is a wave of awws' coming from our beloved District. We are takin into the Justice Building and seperated into different rooms I sit on the couch until late at night when its time for our last goodbyes. First to show up is Alic, and with no words he hugs me and I hug back we stay like that for 2 minutes and then he backs away

"I know you can do this" he says "Dont quite and if anyone attacks you fight back". I take in his words even though I had already knew that and say "ok". he hugs me one last time until the Peacekeep comes to get him, and he walks out with one last stare. Next is Jamie she doesnt give me advice about the games she just calms me with her words of reinsurement. Last is my brother Daniel and Mother, She approaches me with a cold stare and says "You better not bring him down and hes not going to do the work for you" then with a hint of a yell she says the most hurtful words "Dont get him Killed" as if to say I would want that.

She leaves the room before her time is up and leaves me and Daniel alone, Im happy she left the room or she would have seen the tears streaming from my eyes now. Daniel embraces me hard and whispers in my ear "I love you" and slips a gold necklace from his pocket and hands it to me then the peacekeepers come for him with a last hug. As there all gone and  the tears still come from my eyes I take a nap and when i awake its time to get on the train. I stuff the necklace in my pocket and am escorted to the train by Liz. She tells me Finnick has already got Jess and should be aboard the train.

We get abourd and Liz shows me my room and tells me Dinner should be done in a Minute, But instead of going in my room I look for Jess but he is in his room and I dont wish to disturb him anymore than I already have. so I go to my room and for the first time notice the necklace Daniel gave me it a gold trident hanging from it. Oh how expensive must it have been, my mother would have never gotten me it. after anothe couple of minutes staring at it there was a soft knock on my door, it was liz that dinner was ready.

AS we walk into the room im surprised by all wonderful smells of different foods then I catch the first glimpse of Jess since my name was pulled. I expect he will hate me but his face still shows no emotion, I sit infront of him next to Liz and our mentor Finnick sits at the head of the table. All sorts of food are on the table but what catches my eye is the lamb stew with plum pieces in it, I stuff my self full of it, oh how tasty it was. During the hole dinner there was no conversation just the sound of spoons and forks hitting the plates and bowls. After everyone is finishes Liz speeches up "Lets go watch the recaps of the reaping" she say, Like I really want to watch me ruin my family, but its a chance to see who were going up against.

We go to the living room and take a seat on the couch I sit in between Liz and Finnick, I figured I should just let Jess have sometime to himself. They start off with District 1, a handsome boy and girl are called you can tell there family they look alike same blonde curly hair and crystal blue eyes, but the girl seems about a year older. But the boy stands out more because he seems like a career. They continue on with District 2, Now there scarey both the boy and the girl are careers so they volunteer for some scared 12yr oldes. they seem about 15 and 14 yrs old they have some huge muscles that looks like they could bend a car with.

The cameras go into a close up of the parents and of course they seem proud of there kids there is even some happy cheers in the crowd. Are they serouis talk about pshyco!!! Then on with District 3 where the man with the monotone voice starts with the boys, which i really dnt wana know his name. But a boy walks out from the 18s he has brown straight hair and is stocky then his sister comes out a little girl from the 12. Aw, you can tell hes guna do anything to protect her. Then its what I've been expecting the least District 4, They call my name i walk out "trying" to look tough but it just makes me look stiff and then Jess's face goes emotionless, Liz says stuff and me and Jess hug as the crowd aw's. Then they get a close up fo our mother screaming Jess's name like a maniac as Daniel tryed to take her out of there. I wonder if anyone watching notices that my name did not once escape my mothers lips.

After that I just stare at my lap I can tell Jess knows this upset me because when i do look up hes giving me sideways glances and then again looking at the tv. I dont pay attention after that even though I know I should I dont. Until District 6 when i girl is called but she deosnt have abrother only a sister so they let her go and I think how lucky she was, she got to live another year while some other girl that actual had a brother got called and unlike Jess He actual almost yelled at his sister because he was 18 his last year in the reaping.

Then I only payed attention at time in District 6 when the tributes mom was punching people to get to her children, who could blame her for being so upset. After that not many stuck out except for the twines from District 11, one boy and one girl that are so similar bothe the same hight, hair color, and eyes if u cut the girls brown hair some she would look excactly like the boy. And then the siblings from District 12 stuck out to but only because they where from the Seam and u could see there bones but they seemed so confident. It made me wonder what they were capable of doing. Then it ended with the seal of the capital And after a moment of silence Finnick says "Well that was interesting why dont we all head off to bed now". And we do me and Jess walk to our rooms together but he still doesnt say anything to me, But when we get to my room he stoppes infront of me and smiles then hugges me and walkes away leaveing me confused as to what that meant. Was he still mad?

I got in my room and took a quick shower and put on what ever clothes there was and got into bed. I didnt sleep much though I was just thinking. Im not even in the games yet and I already feel half alive. Even without me knowing i started crying and ended up asleep.


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