Training Day 1

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Chapter 5

"TRAINING DAY!" Jess shouts right into my room making me fall out of my bed to the floor. Which makes him go into a fit of laughter as I get up on my kness glaring at him. Cant he tell I didnt have an ounce of sleep last night. "Why dont you go get dressed" I yell he stopes laughing and replys with a hint of smugness "Because it doesnt matter where we are its always funny watching you fall out of bed". Right as I was about to say something smart I yawn, Jess catches it and says "Maybe you should go take shower to wake up" he then proceeds to walk out of my room leaving me to my thoughts.

I decide to go do what Jess said and take a shower. I walk into the bathroom and im automatically confused by all the nobs and buttons in the shower. Really?!?! How many scents do these Capital people actually need for there hair. I wish this would have came with some instructions, but it doesn't so ima just wing it! Which I come to find out isn't effective, first button I decide to push sends a river of cold water down my whole body. With the freezing sensation coming from the water I push a round of random buttons, each sending out shampoo which I douge, until I push a little red button does it stop.

Again REALLY?!?! You'd think the stop button would be the biggest and brightest, but its not. After I retrace all the buttons I already pushed I finally find the hot water button and realax with a shampoo that smells like cotton candy, that reminds me of home, my mom, Daniel, Alic, and Jamie. Then it brings me to Jess. Trying to shake my bad thoughts I think how Jess got his shower to work or did he have as much trouble as me? I brought back by my always thoughtful mind by the knocking on the door "LIdia, hurry up breakfast is ready" Liz said as I Alreasy stopped the shower to leave.

I step out with my towel and find the clothes that are layed out on my bed, probably left by the poor Avox. It was simple white pair of capris and a blue shirt which I slip on and tie up my shoes. I look in the mirror and tie up my black hair in a ponytail for today and pull my bangs behing my ear so you can see my evergreen eyes. I walk to the dinning room and like always im last to get there, I slip in the chair between Liz and Auirus, him and Pavel are having breakfast with us.

Jess is wearing a dark blue version of the shirt I have on and a pair of white jeans. We start eating and Finnick says "Ok, heres your first tip on training to day" he takes a bite of the food then goes on to say "each of you should learn atleast alittle something from each station". We nod our heads and he continues "Keep an eye on EVERYONE." "Try making alliances with the careers if possible, If not look at some of the tought trubutes like Distirct 12"

Jess interupts him "Wait, aren't Distirct 12 like the weakest tributes" Finnick smiles and says "These are tough both of there parents are victors of the 74th Hunger Games". It suddenly clickes in my head "There parents and mentors are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark" I said while Finnick smiles and nodded. No wonder they seemed more than just your average tributes, there parents must have taught hem alittle something about these games.

"So" I say "There one of our biggest enemys including the careers". The smile on Finnicks face disappears, he wets his lips almost suductively then says "You can look at it like that but the would also make a great alliance". Finnick and I just stare at eachother for a second then Jess interupts "So our best choices would be some tough tributes that can handle themselves" Finnick turns to him and says "Yes". Liz clears her thoat and says "Its time for you all to head to the training center" we all get up and leave.

I grab Jess and walk infront of ever one, out of hear shot to the elevator. "I dont trust him" I whisper to Jess. "Why, all hes trying to do is help one of us get out of there alive" he says back, I breath in and say "Thats the point I don't even think he want us to win, I think he wants the Distirct 12 tributes to win". Jess still not gettin it says back "why would he want that?" I tell him "Dont you ever notice that all the past victors are friends, and fi there frined of course Finnick doesnt want his victor friend's children getting killed"

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