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January 17th, 1964

"So you're telling me that you're from the fucking future?" Alan blurted out, taken back by surprise. I guess I said more than he could chew.

I scratched my head. "I know, I know, you probably think I'm crazy, but it's true! For starters, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is released in 1967. The Beatles change their whole music genre to a thing called psychedelic rock. And my shirt", I claimed, taking off my sweatshirt. "Is an 1978 Rolling Stones Tour shirt. The Rolling Stones don't have their first number one hit in America until next year." I blurted, feeling uneasy.

Alan looked me up and down and mumbled. "I never heard of someone who time traveled before."

Neither than I until I just showed up here. "Me neither!" I claimed. "Literally all I remember was driving in a snow storm in January of 2021 and being in a bad car crash from crashing into a tree. Now I'm here! 57 years back in time on the same day." I quickly said.

Alan nodded his head, understanding what I was saying. "I never knew this would happen to me, but I guess anything is possible."

"Trust me, I don't think it would happen to me. And I'm really not sure what I'm doing here in 1964 when I was in 2021 literally yesterday."

Alan nodded his head yet again. "I think this would make sense if I found you with these." He held went to his bedroom and came out with my phone and watch. "They were lying next to you and I don't know how these bloody things work! This one kept playing that song by The Four Seasons, I think "Big Girls Don't Cry", over and over again!"

        I took my phone from him and turned it on. I held it close to my face and unlocked it.

"This is an phone from my time. It's called an iPhone and you better not tell a soul about this. This can ruin the future for everyone!" I then shuffled to the camera app and took a picture of the ground. I showed it to Alan, who looked excited.

       "Oh and that song is my alarm I have for school. It helps me get my bloody arse out of bed!" I told him.

"Look at you already picking up British words." Alan mumbled.

I replied. "It's called listening to The Beatles for ya."

He then looked puzzled as I then switched to my music app. "So what exactly is this "iPhone"?"

"Basically the way of the future but obviously I can't use it now. But in my time, you can do just about anything on it." Which was true. The cell phone made everything as simple as a tap away.

"So can you buy clothes on that thing?" He wondered. I nodded but realized I began to play "Let's Live For Today" by The Grassroots. My eyes widened as I turned it off, but it already got to the chorus. The last thing I needed was to play music that hasn't even been made here yet. I then glanced and realized that all of the roughly 15,000 songs I had downloaded were still there.

Alan heard the iconic intro. "What was that? It seems pretty interesting." I shook my head.

"That's called late 60' music. You'll hear it in '67." I didn't want to introduce people to psychedelic pop roughly three years before it became popular.

Alan eye's then widened. "Do you know who I am."

My stomach sinked as I slowly nodded my head. "Yeah, I think so."

Alan formed an "o" with his mouth. "Do we become famous?"

I mumbled. "I don't think I can tell you that. I mean, I would, but that can ruin things."

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