Twenty Two

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(This is kinda a filler chapter and is a bit boring, but you can read it if ya want)

August 15th, 1964

After what seemed like ages, "The House Of The Rising Sun" was finally released in the States on the 9th of August, and the whole crew seemed overly excited. In fact, it was all the the band talked about. America this, America that. America, America, America.

So far, it was rising up on the charts. Mike believed that this would be the single that would make The Animals an American household name. Mickie was surprised, and perhaps a bit pissed that the song he originally wanted The Animals not to record was doing this well. In response, Chas elaborated that from now on, the band should make the final decisions on what to sing, not him.

Eventually Mickie got Herman's Hermits to record "I'm Into Something Good" during the last week of July, making him feel a little bit better that the song was finally recorded by at least someone. The young Peter Noone and the other Hermits were quite excited to make the record, as this was their debut album. I guess it all worked out in the end for everyone.

That weekend after the day where The Animals recorded half of the music for an upcoming album, Eric swung by the flat to apologize to me. I could tell by the look of his eyes that the poor chap was sorry. Although Eric and I were exactly the closest, deep down inside I knew he was a good guy but just with a hard interior. Plus I knew that if I did not accept his apology, it would cause even more drama between Alan, I and Eric. Eventually, we just brushed the incident off and next thing you know, me, Alan, and Eric were going out to lunch together and joking around.

With the weeks that dragged on after that day, Mike was finding gigs left and right for the boys wether if they were in London or even back in Newcastle. As much as I enjoyed the music, I could not bare to go to every concert or place. It was fun in the beginning, but as arguments formed between the band, it got chaotic traveling with them. Plus, I would be the only girl that would be with them most of the time. Ann had a steady job that made her not be able to go most of the shows. Sometimes, the band (well mostly Eric) would pick up girls that would sometimes accompany them. I got along with most of them, but 95% of the time I was dead silent because I did not know what to say and was to shy to talk.

Hilton would drive any car he could find for the band, usually an imported American cargo van, and sit in the front where the other four piled in the back. This caused complaint after complaint because as the nights caved in, it would get cold, and the only place that had heat in the van was in the front.

This lead me to be home a lot more. With me being home, I played my guitar over and over until I got calluses up and down my fingers. I'd play anything: Chuck Berry, George Harrison, Muddy Waters, hell, even Hilton and his riffs! The band was currently not on a tour and I knew that my "job" was not really a job. Sure, it got me money from several magazine agencies, but what else would I do with hundreds of photos of The Animals? Sell them on the streets and sell them as "The bad boys from Newcastle! Get your copy today!"?

However, apparently, my photos must have done good because one day in the mail, I got a letter from a new photographing company, Photogear!, saying that they enjoyed my photos so much and that they saw talent among them. Within the letter, I found out that they personally reached out to Rave magazines to get my contact information, which I saw as a bit weird. Also included in the letter was their phone number, which at first I did not want to call, but after sleeping on it, I did.

On the other line was an older lady who like me, had an American accent. She told me her name was Rose. Oddly enough, by her voice, she reminded me a lot of my late nonna. As our small talk continued, she told me that she would love to meet me and perhaps even give me a position. After quickly discussing prices, I was sold. I told her that I would love to meet her and her husband George.

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