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This chapter is literally all over the place, so hold tight!

March 7th, 1964

Saturday had finally arrived! The boys were super excited to have an weekend night off from preforming and I was happy to see them thrilled. Mike gave them an opportunity to play a show in the mid afternoon at the Club A Go-Go, leaving the five a much needed Saturday night off.  Their gig ended around two and the boys already set in stone that they wanted ti head back for drinks later in the evening to celebrate the upcoming tour with Chuck Berry and the others.

Since me and Alan were hauling to Newcastle from London, Hilton offered to let us stay the night his flat, which like the others, were decorated with moving boxes. However, he still had his couch and a spare pull-out bed still not packed. It was great that we didn't have to make the trip home in the middle of the night.

At this point in my life, I was getting used to being on the road with the boys. I guess it would keep me on my toes for what is in store for them, unless for some odd reason, I will be with another band.

However, I felt like I was being an burden to everyone. First off, you get this strange teenager who says that she is from 60 years in the future pop into your life, and on top of that, she says that your are her favorite band. It always felt like I was in the udder middle of everything and everyone. 

Second, I am the complete opposite of these guys. I never drank (until that sleepover) or smoked, or even kissed an boy before. It was honestly quite surprising that they didn't kick me out. I was still wondering how or why Hilton liked me.  I was the most boring person ever.

Me and Alan were in his car (again, but at least he was getting driving practice) on our way back to the Club A Go-Go. After the show, all five guys flew to wherever they were staying and nearly jumped our of their sweaty stage suits and changed into more comfortable clothing. He wore an pair of blue jeans and a long black shirt. I was wearing an black skirt and an white blouse. My hair was down, allowing it's natural wave to be shown. My bangs were finally trimmed allowing myself to see clearly but still swooped over my forehead.

"Do you know what band is playing?" I asked Alan. Every Saturday night, there was an band that would play. The Animals were an household name at the Club House A Go-Go. Alan was a popular act even before he joined The Animals and Eric helped design the interior when it opened by Mike Jeffery,

"I think The Invaders." He replied. "They play a lot when we don't play at nights."

The sights outside the window were becoming more recognizable. "Oh, cool!" I continued to look out the window. The sun was burning bright in the sky, bashing its beautiful colors in the streets below.

                   "I just hope that if we come here more that someone like Hilton 'ill drive. Chap likes to drive everyone 'round."  Said Alan. "Still bloody hate this driving."

     "That certainly would be interesting." I replied, pretending not to hear the last part.

      "Or Eric. Dunno, those two fucking love to drive around. Eric's always causin' trouble in that car of his."

          "Hey, I can always learn to drive." I stated, even though I was killed by an car accident. "But not in the snow. Who knows, If I die again, be thrown back another fifty seven years to 1887!"

             Alan frowned. "I wouldn't want you to get scared driving Penny."

Despite me dying in my pervious (or future) life, I wasn't afraid of Alan's driving. He was an responsible driver, who occasionally sped a little too quickly, but did nothing that would jump out in front of you and scare you. He was more careful then what you saw on the streets.

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