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Alert: I added a small cameo by a Special musician

July 15th, 1964

It was a summer Wednesday morning. The sun was shinning and the warm England air crept through the windows, giving the flat an inviting and happy feeling. The blankets that were covering me smelled of laundry detergent and were toasty and warm. Blinking  open an eye and glancing at the clock, I noticed that it was eight o'clock. It made me realize that I slept for roughly six and a half hours and that I can still sleep if I want to! Talk about heaven I'll tell you!

Usually I woke up early, followed the band around, snapped some photos of miscellaneous items, and try to attend most of their shows. However this day this was different. Alan took the day off, much to everyone's annoyance, to spend time with me. Honestly, it was good to take a break from everything because I didn't know when I would be able to have a day off next. It was a great feeling not having to rush everywhere and to actually relax and do whatever we wanted.

Everything was changing right before The Animals's lives. The sales of "House" were continuing to rise and Mickie and Mike were planning on sending it to the States for be released in the upcoming month, which made the boys thrilled.

Before my mind wandered into the future, I felt a pair of arms around me following by soft snoring. Turning my head, I saw that Alan was still sleeping, his bangs swept over his forehead. I chuckled at his sight and fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up was nine fifteen when Alan started to snore loud. Figuring that I wouldn't fall back asleep again, I tried to slowly move from Alan's arms.

I was nearly successful until I heard him mumble. "Where are ya goin' Pen?" He asked me, his words half asleep. His eyes still were closed.

"It's nine fifteen Alan. I'm getting some breakfast." I replied.

Cocking an eye at me, Alan frowned. "How about ten more minutes? Not sure when I slept in this late last." He closed his eye again and pulled the blankets over himself so that only the top of his head was visible.

I looked at peaceful Alan and within the next few seconds, I found myself back in bed. "I don't know if I can fall back asleep though." I admitted as I turned to Alan.

"''Tis alright love. It feels good not having everyone up me ass."

Ten minutes went by and finally we were out of bed. "I think the last time I've slept in this late was in primary school." Alan admitted as he got the tea kettle going in the empty house.

I went through the fridge and got the milk out. "My favorite feeling is sleeping in after getting a foot of snow." I began. "Especially when school was canceled for the day. One time, we got three feet of snow. I'll tell ya Alan, we couldn't go to school for a week! The snow was just that deep!"

Alan took two cups out. "Is that so?" I nodded. "Well, I'll keep that in mind for when December comes around that you like sleeping when it snows. It certainly is better than being in it."

"For the most part, other than that day in January, yeah. Although I am used to the cold, there are sometimes I can't stand being around it outside." I splashed milk in both of our cups. "Say, what shall we have for breakfast?"

"I can go for anything for breakie!" Alan said. "So how about eggs and bacon?"

"Sure, I can get the eggs and bacon out." I dove back in the fridge to grab the breakfast materials and got a pan out. Cracking the eggs, I scrambled them in a bowl before turning on the stove. At the same time, I heated the oven out and placed the bacon on a tray.

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