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March 2nd, 1964

         We finally finishing unpacking around five o'clock that night. Well, we had mostly everything unpacked except for some odds and ends, but we decided to call it a day. The moving truck left, leaving the new flat to be in full view to the public eyes.

       Even though Alan told not to fret about helping, I couldn't stay still so I ended up placing some China in the cabinets and placing all my clothes in the closet. When I was finally done, I stepped back and admired my room. It definitely was much different than my old room at home. However, this room was cozy and neat, with no wires dangling everywhere from outlets or fancy electronic alarms. 

        I was sitting on the floor resting my head on the wall when I heard a knock on the door. Slowly rising, I opened it up to reveal John. "Penny, help us decide on supper. Two of us want fish and chips as two of us want pizza. Of course, Eric says he'll go with anything 'cause he's so hungry."  He stated as I exited my room and went to the family room. The grown men were all sitting on the couches, immediately turning their eyes at me when I entered.

         "If you guys need my vote, I vote for pizza!" I declared, sitting next to Eric. Cheers erupted from John and Alan as they high-fived each other in victory. 

           Alan hollered and pointed to Chas and Hilton.  "Take that! We're having pizza!" Chas simply sighed at the excitement of his band member.

         "What? I simply don't like fish!" I threw my hands up in surrender. 

           Chas looked down at me. "I'm gonna make ya try it sooner or later! After all, you now live in England and fish and chips is our specialty!" 

     I nodded. "Maybe soon Chas." Maybe he will be right. 

      John remembered seeing a pizza place nearby and offered to walk there, order it, and pick it up. When he asked if anyone wanted to join him, no one but Hilton offered to go with him.
Once the two youngest members left, the three remaining members and me all sat around on the couches. I began humming Chuck Berry and it wasn't long before Eric pointed it out,
"Ain't that "Johnny B. Goode'?" He asked as I nodded. "I thought it was!" 

After five minutes of just sitting around lounging, Eric had an bright idea of trying to hook the television in the room up. I had no clue how to work any pieces of technology from this time, but I tried my best.

Holding up an handful of different colored wires, Eric pouted. "What color goes with which?" He tried sticking a blue wire to the back of the set, but nothing turned on. 

Chas stood up. "Eric, let me take a look!" He walked over to wear Eric was fumbling with the wires. Kneeling down, he took some of the wires and shuffled them around, then plugging them in. 

"Penny, can you see if that worked?" Chas said. I turned on the television and to our surprise, an show began to play. Everyone was quite thrilled at seeing the motion on the screen. 

Chas and Eric stepped from behind the box and grinned when they saw a horse running on it. "Finally some entertainment!" Chas admitted as he flicked through the channels until Eric told him to stop.

"This is a great movie!" Eric stated, stepping back onto the couch next to John. 

Curious, I began to watch the movie and realized it was an western movie of some type. Everyone rode horses and were fighting viciously with one another. It was quite action packed as I tried to follow the men galloping around shouting. There was one guy who looked awfully familiar as if I saw him somewhere on television and at that moment, it clicked.

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