Twenty Five

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September 4th, 1964

The first day of our trip included me throwing up a million times before finally ordering room service to bring up some food from the kitchen downstairs. Marty unpacked, took a shower, and went down to explore the hotel. Upon her exploring, she stated that the hotel had a small gym, a pool, a bar, a kitchen, a lounge with a piano, and several vending machines. Basically, as she stated, all the necessities were there. A drug store was next door with everything else that someone might need while staying in New York.

I took a shower before going to bed. I still felt like utter shit. Even with taking pain medicine beforehand, my head still pounded. I just wanted to sleep and wake up feeling energized. 

With my mind thinking it was one a.m, I ended up falling asleep at eight. Marty was out of the room smoking downstairs in the lounge. She knew I didn't feel good. After all, she saw me and Alan taking shots on the plane.

I must have slept maybe seven or so hours before waking up. My head pounded.  Flipping my body over, I saw Marty sleeping, her red hair covering her face. I tried going back to sleep, pulling the heavy white comforter over myself and closing my eyes. However, I just couldn't. 

Finally, I got out of bed and made it. The clock read 3:35 A.M. The Animals' first gig was at 12, giving me a good eight hours to get ready. I decided to check out the cafe downstairs and grab some coffee. Slipping onto some short shorts and a white blouse, I found a pair of sandals I packed. I quickly brushed my hair, cleaned my face, and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother on putting any makeup. Who would see me at this hour anyways?

I grabbed my copy of the room key and locked the room and made my way downstairs to try to find some water to drink. My throat felt dry and could do anything for some water. Once I got down there, I noticed that there weren't a lot of people out.  

I found a small bar in the hotel. I walked over and saw someone was there. "Hi, can I get a glass of water please. Put it on room 672's tab. Thank you." 

The guy nodded. "No need to charged for some water. Why are you up so early?" He asked me, pushing a glass of cold water in front of me. I never drank a glass faster.

"I can't fall back asleep. My mind probably thinks it's still in London time." I stated. "I guess I'll be tired later."

He nodded again. "Ahh. What are you doing here in the Big Apple?" He had brown hair and blue eyes and probably around my age.

"I am here for a business trip for ten days. I live in London but am from here..... if you can't tell by my accent."

"That makes sense. Hopefully by tomorrow you will get adjusted. Well, welcome to New York. Home to the Ed Sullivan Show and the Statue of Liberty. " He gave me a warm smile.

I asked for another glass of water. "Thank you.  I never been here before. What do you recommend to see and eat here?" 

"Glad you asked me." The man said. I saw by his name tag that his name was Nick. "I can write down a list of all my favorite things for you." 

He took out a piece of paper and began to write down his favorite spots. "I would definitely check out the Ed Sullivan theater. Get some tickets to a show." He began, "then try to see the Statue of Liberty..... oh and Little Italy. I'm from there and the food is great!"

"I defiantly will check out Little Italy. I love Italian food." I admitted. Before her passing, my nonna was quite the chef. She made all sorts of things for our family and always made sure there was enough food so everyone can have seconds. She made the best chicken parmesan and gave me the recipe one day when I asked her.  I remember it like the back of my hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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